I have a group of college students that entered my life almost four years ago. I love them, and I say that with a Jesus-mommy type of love.
They make me smile and bless me daily with their sweet texts, emails, and phone calls. I have even had several of them visit me since G and I have moved and I love every minute I get with them.
I pray for them often and still mother them, probably more than they like, but they are so sweet they never say anything. (And they keep calling too! :)
These "Babies" which I know are so grown-up and so far from babies, are "My babies" and I love them. I love Jesus in them. I love their hunger and passion for the Lord, and that they desire purity in every form.
I love their honesty in every form. I love they are not afraid to express their brokenness, fears, frustrations, and concerns. I love that the Lord has built a bond of trust between us.
Oh, theses sweet things I love as though God gave them to me as my own.
I say all of this to say, there are so many young men and women that surround us that need to be taken in under the Lord's wings and loved, listened to, and guided by the Word.
They need to hear and know that we get what they are going through in this phase of life. Because all though it might not be the same, the Lord still carried us through it and He will do the same for them. They need to be shown faithfulness, consistency, and Jesus in every part of our lives.
The Lord gives specific instruction on this very topic and today I find this passage to be lacking when it needs to be thriving.
"Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord. They must not go around speaking evil of others and must not be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to take care of their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God." Titus 2:3-5
"In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely in all they do. And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good deeds of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching." Titus 2:6-7
There is always someone in need of discipleship. And believe me, you both will be blessed and ministered to.
Jesus thank You for these sweet babies who are now men and women. Bless them Father as they enter they enter into new phases of life. May they continue to have a heart and love for You that is contagious on everyone they are around. Thank You for the blessing they are to me and my family. We love them tremendously and thank You for allowing us the opportunity to be changed and ministered to by them. Help us to continue to be and example of Your Word and love. In Jesus name, amen