S-Is there conflict?
S-"So Christ has really set us free. Now make sure that you stay free and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law." Galatians 5:1
A-God's promises
L-Don't misunderstand
Have you noticed how many times Paul repeats himself in this letter. He just words it differently.
There is a point to be made, and sometimes we need to hear it differently. So even though its repeated and worded differently the main point remains the same.
I believe this particular passage backs up and shows us that God is the true Author.
How? Because Paul begins the passage with a question, that would be and was in the minds of his readers. God doesn't leave out one detail, nor does He leave us wondering.
So up to this point after hearing about the Law and God's promises I can see this question being the key question.
There is no conflict between the law and God's promises.
Here is the bottom line.
The law doesn't give us a new life. If it did Christ's death would be pointless.
Therefore, in order to receive God's promises we have to believe in Christ Jesus, who gives new life.
S-Share the Good News and the promises of God. Pray and ask The Lord to place someone in your path today that needs to hear about Him.