“The more I thought about it, the hotter I got, igniting a fire of words.” Psalm 39:3
Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to a family of whom I refer to as the “First Family”. They do not have a last name, but because they were the first to do everything, I found it fitting to make “First” become their last name.
So please make welcome Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel First
Adam and Eve were the first man and woman to be created, the first and only ones who entered the world as adults, the first to walk in direct communication with God, the first to live in paradise, the first to experience peace between man and animal, the first to have everything provided for them, the first whose daily tasks were joyful, fun, and stress free. They were also the first to be tempted by Satan, to give in to Satan’s lies, and to fall into sin. They were the first to have their eyes open to good and evil, the first to live in shame and fear of God, the first to be cast out of the Garden of Eden (paradise) and the first to experience death, jobs, stress, child-bearing (pain), parenthood, the importance of shelter, food, and clothing.
Their children Cain and Abel were the first to enter the world through a woman as babies. Cain being the first male child born is the one I really want to focus on today.
Cain was the first child ever born, the first baby to cry, the first baby to laugh, crawl, walk, the first to be spanked, the first to push his parents buttons, the first to learn how to work, the first big brother, and the first one to set an example of what happens when we ponder on a fleshly thought a little too long, thus igniting a fire of not just words, but a fire of sinful actions.
Cain grew up to be a farmer, while his younger brother Abel grew up to be a Shepherd. Harvest time was approaching so Cain got some of his best crops and gave them to the Lord as a gift. “Abel also brought the Lord a gift-the best of the firstborn lambs from his flock (Genesis 4:4). The Lord accepted Abel and his gift, but he did not accept Cain and his gift.” I am not sure if this was the first gift presented to the Lord from the boys, but it is the first spoken of in the Bible.
Therefore, Cain was also the first to have his gift not be accepted by the Lord. And this is where it began.
Cain became very angry, and when confronted by the Lord he was told he could be accepted if he would just do what was right. But if he refused the watch out because sin would crouch at his door eager to control him. The Lord told Cain, “But you must subdue it and be its master.” Genesis 4:7
Guess what Cain became the first one to refuse to give up his jealous anger. Instead, he let his thoughts of jealousy, anger, and rejection control him causing him to be the first one to take a man’s life of which was his own brother. Because of Cain’s inability to take his thoughts captive and place them in the obedience of God, he became the first man to be banished from the ground, the first to leave the presence of the Lord, and the first to be a homeless wanderer on the earth. (Genesis 4:10-14)
What is my point to all of this? Thoughts in the flesh always lead to sin, and the more we focus on those thoughts the more we become slaves to them just as Cain did. Sin will always be crouching at our door, eager to control us, but we must subdue it and become its master.
Prayer: Lord I have become a slave to several of my thoughts that have led to sinful actions. Father forgive me for opening the door to them. I know I cannot subdue or become master over them without the help of the Holy Spirit. Lord help me to exercise self-control. Amen