Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Father’s Broken Heart!

“Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless man living on earth at the time. He consistently followed God’s will and enjoyed a close relationship with him.” Genesis 6:9

He was more than just the man who built the ark. He was the only man who found favor with the Lord. He was not perfect or sinless by any means, but he was a man who chose to follow God in spite of all the sin and wickedness that surrounded him. Every other human broke the heart of God because they chose sin and death over a relationship with Him.

Listen to what God says in Genesis 6:5-6 “Now the Lord observed the extent of the people’s wickedness, and he saw that all their thoughts were consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart.”

“So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart.” To read those words saddens me. It saddens me to think that our amazing Father’s heart was broken then and broken when He saw His Son take on all of our sin, and now, as He looks down and sees those who still choose sin and death over having a relationship with Jesus.

In the midst of my sadness I know one thing is for sure. That today in spite of the sin and wickedness that surround each of us, God finds favor in more than just one man. He finds favor in you and me and all others who have chosen to live a blameless life through obedience and love and who choose to walk side by side with Christ just as Noah did with God.

Just as the flood was sure to come so is the Day of Judgment. And just as God solemnly swore to keep Noah and his family safe, He has also solemnly swore to keep all of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Personal Lord and Savior safe from judgment.

It is your choice!

Kristi Morgan