"You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully." Psalm 119:4
The greatest commandment is the one I fail living out and obeying the most. I guess you could say it is the one I pick and choose which part I want to obey. Not because I deliberately do so, but because I get caught up in self.
"The most important commandment is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love him with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your mind, and ALL your strength." Mark 12:29-30
Jesus tells me very specifically.
Love ME with ALL of you. Put ME before you put yourself, others, or things. I am telling you to do this, not giving you the option. I am not even going to tell you it is okay if you only love ME with part of you, because you are saving the other part for your pleasure. Nope that is not okay with ME!
You obey ME by loving ME with ALL you have in you.
O He deserves every bit of my love and obedience. It brings me to my knees to think of how little I have loved and obeyed Him because I have been selfish.
Prayer: Jesus I confess to You today that I have been obeying the greatest commandment with only a part of me. You deserve it ALL, You ask for it ALL, and I want to give You my ALL. Don't help me, MAKE ME! I don't want free will anymore because I am to weak. Amen