"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything." Hebrews 3:4
The day the frames went up, we walked in with markers and Bible in hand and away we went, covering our home in the Word of God.
There was not a greater feeling than knowing that every door frame, and at least one portion of every room was covered in prayer and God's Word.
Each one of us, of course two who had help, were able to write something from the Word that meant something to us.
I can't tell you how precious those moments were with Avery and Dax. For them to know that God is the builder and cornerstone of our home was so important to G and me.
This has always been important to me. In each home G and I have lived in I have always prayed that God's presence would be felt. With every move I prayed that whomever the Lord brought in to take over, would know that God was the center of the home. I would leave written Scripture in certain places in each home, because I knew that no other welcoming gift would be greater than God's Word. (There is no better foundation to lay in a home than the foundation of God’s Word.)
Once we finished we gathered in the soon to be living room and prayed as one.
Though we have had our ups and downs in this process, God has been in control. His presence has been hovering over our home and I pray His presence will remain until He is ready for us to move elsewhere.
For me, it is my prayer that Jesus will fill this new home, with an abundance of His love and mercy. I pray He will add joy and laughter, growth and knowledge. I pray that tongues will be held and that love will be spoken.
I pray that God's Word will be the centerpiece, just as Jesus is the Cornerstone. I pray that all who enter will leave knowing more about Jesus than they did before they walked in. I pray it will be the home where lives are saved but most of all where mercy, grace and love are found.
So what are some prayers for your home? Also I was wondering if you have made Jesus the center of your home, what are some of the things He has added or filled your home with?
Jesus we are blessed and I pray You remain the center of our home. I pray Your presence is felt by all who enter. Thank You for allowing us to first cover the foundation in Your Word, for Your Word is the solid rock on which we stand. Thank You! May You remind us daily if we ever move You from the center of our home. Amen