Brethren I have a very special friend whom I love so very much. I have spoken of her on here before. She is a second mama to Dax, whom he loves to pieces (as he reminds me daily) and misses SO much.
Her family needs all the prayers you can offer on their behalf. They need you to spread this prayer request far and wide.
Her precious husband has heard the Lord calling him home, and he is ready. He is ready to go be with the Lord and receive the new body that is awaiting him. He has battled heart conditions for some time and especially over this last month in the hospital.
So, as the decisions have now been made, and as he has spent the last several days spreading Jesus to every family member, nurse, doctor, and stranger that walks by, he now waits for Jesus to welcome him home.
Pray that it will be quickly. Pray there will be no suffering, pray it will be peaceful. Pray for his precious family as they sit by his side soaking up every last second with him they can.
Pray for strength. And then...REJOICE! Rejoice for him, for soon he will be sitting at the feet of Jesus, the place we all desire to be.
"Our bodies now disappointment us, but when they are raised, they will be full of glory. They are weak now, but when they are raised, they will be full of power. They are natural human bodies now, but when they are raised, they will be spiritual bodies." 1 Corinthians 15:42-44
You my precious brother in Christ are entering a place I long to be. I rejoice with you and praise our Heavenly Father, for very soon sweet Bubba you will be full of glory and power. Your body will no longer hurt nor will there be a struggle ever again. You are healed in Christ Jesus!
We love you so very much!