Sunday, January 25, 2015

Exodus 24-Outline

Exodus 24

Study: The Establishment of the Laws

Store: “Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply: God’s Deliverance

Learn: What’s Right and What’s Wrong

·       Exodus 24
o   Israel Accepts the Lord’s Covenant

o   3 Key Points

§  1. Moses is called up into the Mountain-The Israelites promise their obedience-Exodus 24:1-8

§  2. The glory of the Lord appears-Exodus 24:9-11

§  3. Moses goes up into the Mountain-Exodus 24:12-18

1.    Moses is called up into the Mountain-The Israelites promise their obedience
-Exodus 24:1-8

v  Why did God say only Moses was to go close to Him?

v  How did the people respond to Moses after he had announced all the teachings and regulations the Lord had given them?

v  Why did Moses write down all the Lord’s instructions?

Ø  What is the advantage of written Scripture verse just hearing it?

v  What was the purpose of the altar and the 12 pillars?

v  What was the purpose of the sacrifices?

v  Why did Moses read the Book of the Covenant again?

v  What did the sprinkling of blood on the people represent and what significance would this have on them?

Ø  Why is the blood of Christ significant to us today?

Ø  What does His blood do for us?

2. The Glory of the Lord Appears
                  -Exodus 24:9-11

v  Why could the Elders and Moses now go up and meet with God?

v  What was the purpose of this meeting?

v  What does it mean when it says “They saw God?”

Ø  How could they see God and still be alive?

v  Why do you think God allowed them to see His footstool?

Ø  What did they see under His feet?

§  Can you imagine how beautiful that image must have been?

Ø  Not only did they get to see God and not die but also they shared a meal together in His presence.

3. Moses goes up into Mountain
                  -Exodus 24:12-18

v  Who did God call up to the Mountain?
Ø  Who went with Him?

Ø  How would this experience shape Joshua later?

Ø  Why did call Moses to come up to the Mountain?

v  Who did Moses leave in charge?

v  Why did a cloud cover the mountain?

v  During the 6 days of the cloud covering what do you think Moses was doing?

v  Why did Moses stay with God for 40 days and 40 nights?

Ø  What an amazing opportunity and experience this must have been for Moses, Joshua and the leaders. But what a huge responsibility as well.

v  Are you living your life in such a way God would find favor upon you, like He did Moses?

v  Why do we not desire to be used more by God in big and marvelous ways?

v  What is your favorite take away from this Chapter?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Be A Woman Who Encourages

When we accept a position as women, serving the Lord and other women, we have to be careful to not become consumed with self, laziness, jealousy or complacency.

When we take on that leadership role, it should be because we know it's what God has called us to do.

There are so many hurting and broken women in this world, in Churches and in homes right next to us. So when we have the opportunity as a leader, to take as many women as we can to an event where God's Word will be lavished upon them and worship will be real and raw and draw us nearer to the presence of God, why would we say no?

Why, as leaders would we look at this event as competition. Is the Body of Christ suppose to be competitive or work together as one?

In just a few short hours 1300 women will join together as one and worship Jesus Christ. Women who are hungry for more of Him. Women who are broken and lost looking for hope will come in hopes to find joy, help, love and life.

Why we would neglect any woman or say no to what God has called us to do because of selfishness, or competition?

Isn't there already enough comparison and competition between women today? Why would you encourage there to be more of that?

When a woman is seeking to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ or use their talents God has created within them, why would you turn them away?

Why would you belittle them and make them feel unworthy?

What is your mission?

Oh, sweet woman, who has assumed a position such as yours. May Jesus come in and intervene in your life in a way that opens your eyes so the heart of women.

Ladies, we are ALL called to love and minister to women of all ages. We are called to work together for His glory. We all have many gifts, and that is what makes the Body of Christ so special so unique. Let's join together and encourage women to fulfill those roles God has called them too.

Let's not hinder the Holy Spirit and what He is wanting to do in the life of others.

To you 1300 hundred women I am about to have the amazing opportunity of serving, I pray God's presence and love surrounds every ounce of you these next two days.

I pray you each encounter Him in a way that changes you forever.

May His love be lavished on you broken one. May His arms wrap around you lost one that leaves you being found forever.

May His mercy encompass you woman entangled in sin so much it sets you free.

Ladies you are loved richly by the King of Kings who is madly in love with you.

You are His living design.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My Why

Dear Body,

Your make up alone is one to be admired. You have been created in the image of God. That alone is an honor. Not only did He create you in His image but once He was finished and looked over what He had made He was so very pleased! 

You are a marvelous design and one that is to be cared for because of who lives in you, Jesus! 

You hold within you the One who died for you. You are designed to reflect Him and live like Him. 

The nourishment you need comes not from bread alone, but from the living Word of God. 

You will never feel satisfied or nourished or balanced from earthly things or food. You need Jesus. You need the meat of His Word. You need to feast and bask in His presence. 

Investing in you, taking care of you is actually investing in Him and taking care of the Temple for which He lives in. 

Yes, your outward features are important, but it's what's inside of you that is of greater importance. 

You see one day you will die and soon begin to decay, but the one thing inside of you, your soul, it will rise and live forever wearing a new body, one that is perfect and whole and complete. 

So until that day comes, I have been  entrusted with you. And I want to honor the One that lives within you. 

I want to take such good care of you so I can then invest and take care of others. I want you to be the best you can be so I can be the best I can be for Him! 

You are far more capable then you realize. Not because of anything you can do, but because of who made you and lives in you. 

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Let's do amazing things for the kingdom of God. 

Jesus finds you more than worthy and He loves you. So walk in confidence because of who made you. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Exodus 23-Outline

Exodus 23

Study: The Establishment of the Laws

Store: “Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply: God’s Deliverance

Learn: What’s Right and What’s Wrong

·       Exodus 23
o   3 Focus Points
§  1. A Call for Justice-Exodus 23:1-13

§  2. The Annual Festivals-Exodus 23:14-19

§  3. A Promise of the Lord’s Presence-Exodus 23:20-33

1.    A Call for Justice
-Exodus 23:1-13
v  Justice for All!

Ø  Let’s sum up verses 1-13 with one word or one sentence.

§  Verse 1-No Gossip and don’t pervert the truth.

§  Verse 2-

§  Verse 3-

§  Verse 4-

·       Why did verse 3 and 4 seem so foreign to the people?

§  Verse 5-

§  Verse 6-

§  Verse 7-

§  Verse 8-

§  Verse 9-

§  Verse 10-

§  Verse 11-

§  Verse 12-

§  Verse 13-

2. The Annual Festivals
                  -Exodus 23:14-19

v  What 3 Festivals were to be celebrated?

Ø  1.

Ø  2.

Ø  3.

Ø  What was to take place at each Festival?

§  1. Festival of Unleavened Bread-

§  2. Festival of Harvest-

§  3. Festival of the Final Harvest-

Ø  What was God’s requirement in verse 19? How do we fulfill this verse today?

God is a fair and merciful God. He has a heart for the orphaned, widowed, and poor. What rules did He put in place to protect them?

3. A Promise of the Lord’s Presence
                  -Exodus 23:20-33

v  Three Key Points in this section

Ø  1. God’s Presence

§  Who did God send to lead them?

§  Why was it important for the Israelites to listen and obey Him?

Ø  2. God Protection and Guidance
§  In what ways did God say He would protect and guide the Israelites?

Ø  3. God’s Warning
§  What makes sinful living so contagious?

§  Why did God warn them over and over to avoid it?

§  How can we stay away from things and people that encourage sin?

What is your favorite take-away from this Chapter?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Exodus 22-Outline

Exodus 22

Study: The Establishment of the Laws

Store: “Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply: God’s Deliverance

Learn: What’s Right and What’s Wrong

·       Exodus 22

o   2 Focus Points
§  1. Protection of Property-Exodus 22:1-15

§  2. Social Responsibility-Exodus 22:16-31

1.    Protection of Property-
-Exodus 22:1-15

v  These laws have three objectives, what would you consider those objectives to be?




Ø  This chapter focuses on one word “Restitution.”

§  What does the word Restitution mean?

§  What three things come from restitution?

·       1.

·       2.

·       3

§  How would are world today be different if we enforced restitution rather than just throwing someone in jail, to feast of food, watch TV and play games?

Ø  In verse 1, what is the fine for stealing an ox?

§  Why were they to pay back more?

Ø  Notice in verse 2-4 if the thief is not able to pay back what they have stolen; they are to be sold as a slave to pay the debt.

2. Social Responsibility
                  -Exodus 22:16-31

v  An expensive price for a moment of pleasure.

Ø  Back then, a man had to really consider if a moment of pleasure was worth the cost.

§  Today, we too need to consider if our moments of pleasure are worth the cost.

§  Is that sin worth what it will cost us later?

Ø  Each verse in 22:16-21; 28-31 is straightforward. God meant business.

·       Next to each verse right down why these things were so offensive to God.
·       16-17-Sexual Relations outside of Marriage-
·       18-Sorcery-
·       19-Sexual relations with an animal-
·       20-Sacrifices to any other god-
·       21-Oppressing foreigners-
·       28-Don’t blaspheme God
·       29-Don’t withhold your tithes-
·       30-Give God your firstborn cattle and sheep-

Ø  Exodus 22:22-27
·       God is a fair and merciful God. He has a heart for the orphaned, widowed, and poor. What rules did He put in place to protect them?
·       How do these rules provide and meet their needs?

More than a set of do’s and don’ts what was God’s ultimate purpose for His people?