“Be silent, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10
There are so many times and occasions in our lives when closing our mouths, bowing our heads and being silent before the Lord is exactly what He has been needing and wanting us to do in order for Him to tend to our hearts.
We think when we pray it is all about us, so we do all the talking, but that is not the case. Yes God listens and wants us to come to Him and visit, but God also wants to talk to us as well.
Sometimes I can hear God say, “Kristi how long are you going to keep on asking me? I will tell you if you will hush for a minute and listen.” He does this to me often. Especially when I come to Him complaining and going on and on. He quickly quiets me and says, “That is enough, just be silent trust Me and let Me pour My word and love into you.”
Not only do we need to get quite and listen, we also need to stop by-passing God and going to people and telling them all of our problems and frustrations or seeking their advice before we seek God’s. I can just hear God saying, “Really, you want there advice over mine, okay well go ahead, and when you finally realize that their advice and what they are saying is not healing that hurt, or filling that void, etc just remember I will be waiting to step in. Oh and remember that all that griping they see you do or bad mouthing, doesn’t look good on either of us, and I say us, because if you recall you were created in my image and you are my child, therefore you do have My name to represent!”
When we fail to go the Father and go straight to people we do several things;
- We disrespect the Lord
- We give others the impression that God is not big enough or powerful enough to handle the situation.
- We put humans before Him.
- We show that our faith and trust in Him is not secure.
- And we only make things worse for all of us, especially when we act off of our emotions.
Do you know those days when you are really stressed out and emotional and your thoughts are relentless? Those are the days when a quiet undisturbed place is needed so you can go straight to the Lord, hit your knees, better yet get on your face, close your mouth, get control of your thoughts, and let the Lord do what He does best and what you can’t do.
Fill you with peace, give you the understanding of what is going on, calm your heart, and completely smother you with His love and fill you with His word. I promise you will get up renewed, strengthened, calm and ready to finish the day. It will also keep you out of trouble.
I often find myself on my face in my quiet place, one because I need it daily, and two because I just need to be on my face before the Lord.
Jesus quite our thoughts, our hearts, and our mouths so we can hear from You. Amen