Show them the path where they should walk, O Lord; point out the right road for them to follow. Lead them by your truth and teach them, for you are the God who saves them. All day long may they put their trust in You. (My paraphrase) Psalm 25:4-5
They stood a little taller today than days past. Their heads held high. Mommy and daddy are proud and full of emotion. Their babies are turning into men.
One by one their names are announced to a gym full of people and you can see it in their faces and body language, they feel it today. Special, loved, proud, and aware. Aware that hard work pays off, aware that they are worth something special; aware they are loved by these coaches who want nothing but God’s best for them. Today they are aware that they are wanted and that there is hope for a good future.
Today he stands a little taller than days past. His head held high and his heart overwhelmed with emotion. This love, this God-given and filled love he has for these young men radiates off of him. His calling, to make every child feel as though they are loved, adored, wanted, and worth everything to Jesus. This is not just a job to him, these men, their souls and future, is precious and valuable to him. He pours out all of himself so they can have more.
Today, one year later 7 boys, now men, have a future to go and earn a wonderful education while doing what they love, playing football. (Pray for them)
Today, in a gym full of students, family and friends, hope filled the air. Confidence arose in the stands of other young men, who spoke softly in their hearts, “That will be me, there in that seat, one day, signing my letter of intent, making a future for myself and my family.”
These smiles, they come from deep down inside of them. They are smiles that melt your heart, and flood your eyes.
I can feel her heart, as though it were mine. Full and overwhelmed with joy, sadness, and love. It beats quickly and for a moment a breath has to be taken because the emotion becomes so strong, she almost loses her ability to stay composed.
My heart, full, overwhelmed, and in pain, pain because my emotion is strong as I look at the faces of these boys, their parents, and my husband. It’s a good pain, a joyful pain, but a pain that can only be relived if I would let the flooding begin.
These men, babies to me, though not mine, by blood, are mine. I pray for these young men, our time is invested into these young men, and not just these 7 but 100 plus of them.
They have our hearts, his and mine, even our two. Our need to ensure these babies know Jesus, feel Jesus, see Jesus, and hear Jesus is strong. It is our hearts desire. To put into all of them, everything Jesus has put into us.
It can be hard, frustrating, even devastating, but the reward, which is not our reward, but theirs and His-Jesus’ sigh, worth it.
They are worth it, every single one of them! No matter who they are, no matter where they have come from, no matter what, these young men, all 100 plus of them, are worthy of Jesus’ love. They are worthy of the best we desire for ourselves. They are worthy because Jesus who created them is worthy.
Jesus bless each and every one of these young men and their families. Place their eyes on You and what You have laid out for them. May they pursue You first Jesus. We love all of these young men, and we praise You for loving them more. Keep Your hand firmly pressed upon them, and place godly men in their lives who will lead them, encourage them, and show them the ways of You. Keep them from being led astray. Use them for Your glory Jesus. Amen