“Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals.” Psalm 119:5
My heart has been troubled the last two days upon hearing of the devastation that occurred in Arizona. I have no word to describe how sick it makes me.
As I was discussing this with the Lord last night I couldn’t help but to say the same thing over and over.
“Lord this young man was created in Your image. He is instinctively designed with apart of You in him, and yet he ignored You and became a member of Satan’s army. Is that even fair to say Father? It just seems so harsh to say or to even think he is a part of his army. Oh, Lord send out Your army to recruit him to You. Not because he deserves it but because of Your love, Your mercy and Your grace.
However Father You know the anger I hold in my heart towards this young man that could walk up and rob these people of their lives. The brokenness and fear is creeping in all over this land and Lord we need You now more than ever before.
The last days are here and it is beginning to become more and more apparent. The lack of fear, the lack of You, the lack of Your word, it is diminishing. But You O’ God will never diminish!
Lord comfort the families who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Comfort the family who is mourning the loss of their 9 yr old little girl. It’s sick Father just really sick.
Lord help us, Your children, strap on the entire armor of Christ because the battle is heating up.
Father I don’t even have to ask why, I already know the answer. Your absence. Breathe healing and life back into Ms. Giffords and not just her but all those suffering today.
More than anything Lord, bring attention to Yourself through all of this. May Your name be called upon today, may hearts be changed, eyes opened, and souls saved. Lord bring people to You through this tragedy.
Open up the heart of this young man Mr. Jared Loughner and pour Yourself within Him. May he be brought to his knees in repentance, brokenness and devastation as he stands before You in that jail cell. Then Lord may He call on You to save Him for You are his only hope. Reveal to him what awaits him if he does not make You Lord and Savior of His life. Reveal to all of us what awaits us if we do not call on You to be Lord and Savior of our lives.
We don’t have to be murders we can be just as guilty, lost, and hopeless as a deliberate sinner who feeds on self and not You. We are just as guilty as he is if we ignore You and put other God’s before You. We are just as guilty if we harden our hearts towards You because we refuse to listen to the convictions. Lord we are just as guilty when we lie, gossip, drink, cuss, steal, harbor anger, have sex outside of marriage, are fake, and lukewarm. We are guilty when we allow our addictions of drugs, pornography, TV, internet, and all other things take precedence over You. We just can’t reflect Your principals when those consume us more than Your word.
“But God show his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves. For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.” Romans 1:18-20
Lord You are a loving God who desires all people to come to know You. We praise You, honor You, and will stand for You! People might be able to hurt us, inflict pain on us and even damage our bodies but NO ONE can inflict anything on our souls when given to You, but You alone. Amen