Adam and Eve had just taken a bite of the forbidden fruit. Their eyes immediately opened thus realizing their nakedness.
Evening came and they heard God walking in the garden and ran and hid. They instantly knew what they did was wrong.
The shame of their sin caused them to run and hide. How often do we do the same thing? We try to run and hide when our sin is brought to light. But Jesus does not want us to run and hide. Yes we will have to face the consequences, but Jesus wants us to come to Him and admit what we did.
Shame can do so much harm, especially if we allow it to separate us from Christ. Often times we allow our shame to keep us out of Church, to make us defensive, even angry and bitter. Not only that but shame causes us to be insecure and feel as though we are rejected by others, or not good enough.
Satan loves it when we allow shame to separate us from Christ. He even loves it when we allow shame to separate us from one another.
Let’s take any and all of our shame to Christ and nip it in the bud. Let’s stay confessed up and make sure we don’t allow Satan to use our shame to separate us from Christ.
Do you have shame in your life? Take it to Christ and work out with Him. Don’t run and hide it won’t do you any good, and in the end it will be brought to light anyway.
Jesus forgive us for allowing shame to separate us from You. Help us to stay close to You. Father I pray as a body of believers that we never cause others to feel more ashamed. Help us to shower them with love the same way You shower us with Your love. Amen