Monday, December 13, 2010

Keep my lips sealed!

Instantly Zechariah could speak again, and he began praising God.” Luke 1:64

DAY 13-Today we will be gathered by family and friends of Zechariah and Elizabeth as they join in the story of this great day, the day of John’s circumcision ceremony.

Thank you for coming, thank you for being faithful followers of our Lord.  I am elated all of our family and friends could be here as we share and remember one amazing day.

Our baby was already eight days old! As Jews we have a law that every male is to be circumcised on the eighth day and will also receive their name on that day. A little history on the importance of these ceremonies;
It was a covenant made between God and Abraham. Abraham was to serve God faithfully and live a blameless life, upon doing so God would make him the father of many nations. Abraham’s other part of the agreement was to have every male among him be circumcised; the flesh of his foreskin must be cut off, thus bearing a sign that they accepted the covenant. It would also be a mark they would bear of God’s everlasting covenant. (Genesis 17)

Elizabeth: All our family and friends gathered for this exciting day, and wanted to name our baby Zechariah after his father. Family names were very big to us! But I knew what the Lord wanted so I said, “NO! His name is John!” You can imagine the commotion that comes next.  The whispering and outburst of questions began. “Elizabeth, what are you saying? There is no one in our family with that name.” So of course they all turned to Zechariah.

Zechariah: Remember I could not speak or hear. So there I was watching everyone when I saw all eyes turn to me and hands and arms flying around as everyone was trying to gesture to me for a name! I motioned for a writing tablet and wrote “His name is John!” And in that instant I could speak and I began praising God.

It reminds me of a verse in the book of Psalm “Take control of what I say O’Lord, keep my lips sealed.” Psalm 141:3 He did just that to me. I spoke words of doubt that day in the sanctuary and from that day on He sealed my lips.  Wow, our God is amazing.

I cant’ help but to wonder if there are days we speak words of doubt, hate, anger, etc that should result in our lips being sealed. Let’s just trust fully in the Lord and His power, words, and authority, and pray that in all situations He will take control of our words and keep our lips sealed.