“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone o and tell them without being sent? That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15
The planted Seed-
We made our way to our seats, got ourselves settled and began to visit. The seat by the window was empty, waiting to be filled. G and I love to play games so we began to observe the people who entered the plane and guessed who would fill the seat. We began to giggle as we each made our suggestions. When our seat buddy approached us and said, “I am in the window seat.”
To our surprise it was a young man from the UK who works in the oil business. He has been living in Ghana for some time now and was sent on a business trip to do some training in the U.S. We didn’t make much conversation at first. G and I got lost in a discussion we were having, ate our lunch, while he tried to dose off for some much needed rest. He had been flying since Monday.
It was a 2 hour and 40 minute flight, G decided to rest and I decided to do some reading. So I pulled out my notebook and Bible and got lost in the Word of God, when out of nowhere, Mr. R asked why I had written day 805. Something so simple turned out to be something so extraordinary.
I told him the meaning behind day 805 and from there it began-my FAVORITE conversation-Jesus, and the opportunity I pray for, to be Christ’s utensil.
The great thing about this entire conversation was Mr. R’s interest and curiosity in Jesus.
He began asking questions and the Lord answered through the mouths of G and me. When I asked him what religion he was, it was the answer he gave that pierced our hearts and lead us to sharing Jesus.
Mr. R.-“I believe in the Ten Commandments, I believe there is a God, but I don’t believe in the entire Bible. I guess I would say I am atheist.”
Me-“So do you believe in heaven and hell?”
Mr. R- “No.”
Me- “So what do you think happens to you when you die?”
Mr. R. - “I believe it means game over. I try to live a good life and do good things, just in case there is something like heaven or hell. Then I will be okay. I have a good life and am very happy.”
Me- “Can I tell you there is a heaven and hell? If you don’t mind can I read something to you?”
Mr. R- “Ya, okay.”
Me- flipping to Revelation 20:10-16-Yup I sure did brethren; God took us all to the description of hell. Side by side all three of us began to read-okay I read, he followed along, and G listened and prayed. I had just got started when for some reason felt prompted to ask if he knew who the Devil was.
When he replied, “The Devil, no.”
Mr. R.- “Yes, yes, Satan. What about him?”
Me- “Satan is the deceiver; he is the one who tries to convince people that Christ does not exist. He wants to confuse people so they question if Christ and the Bible is real. He does not want you to be in heaven and he does not care if you are in hell.”
We turn back to the Word and I begin to read some more. As I finished up reading verse 10 Mr. R stopped me and said, “You are scaring me a little.”
I replied, “I am not trying to scare you, I just want you to see that heaven and hell do exist. It is not just game over. It is one or the other. It is my prayer for you to join my husband and I in heaven. It is a place that offers more than this life here on earth ever will. It will be full of joy and beauty, free of pain, sadness, and sickness. But you must have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the one who died for you and me so we could spend eternity with Him in heaven forever. He loves you that much. He even made it easy for you to accept Him and once you do, He will enter your heart and fill you with the Holy Spirit who will teach you and guide you until He takes us home.”
Mr. R.-“It is not that easy for me. It will take a while for me to decide if I want to change my mind and go in that direction. I question a lot of things. I like my life right now. I don’t just decide I am going to start doing something. Like I recently began surfing, but not because I decided I wanted to be a surfer. It was just what people did and it became routine. So I don’t know that I could just decide to believe in Jesus. Maybe if I got a wife and she was religious then maybe it would be something I did, or if I had a reason to do so.”
Me- “Can I show you something? I flip to Romans 10:5-13 and begin to read. We stop for discussion and then proceed.
Me-“Do you know what is so great about Jesus and His Word. Once you begin to learn about Him and read His word, which is true and God breathed. He will begin to do a work in you. He loves you that much. Out of 7 billion people Jesus desired to have a personal relationship with you.”
G-“Jesus gives us free will to choose Him or not. That is one of the things that is so different about Jesus. As you probably know being around other religions, they have all these requirements and things they have to do. They worship idols that can’t do anything that Christ can do. Jesus is not that way. He desires a relationship with us that is based on faith in Him. Once we do that we will begin to obey Him, because we love Him and want to please Him. Not because we are forced to.”
Me-smiling at the wisdom pouring forth from the mouth of this amazing man I married.
Mr. R- “What about all those people who have never heard about Jesus or grow up in a home where a different religion is taught? I believe if they do well and what they are supposed to they will go to this heaven if it really exists.”
Me- “Why, if you thought there might be something more than just game over, wouldn’t you want to believe in Jesus and live your life knowing heaven awaits you, rather than just questioning it and waiting until it is too late and ending up in hell? God gives everyone the opportunity to hear and learn about Him and what He did through Jesus. There are missionaries around the world sharing the Word of God and the Good News. He gives all of us the same opportunity to learn about Jesus. He does not want anyone to perish.”
Mr. R-“Now you are making me think. I see what you are saying. I can see your passion for this. I can see you love this Jesus.”
Me-“I love Him so much. He died for me, a sinner and promised me life everlasting with Him. He gives me mercy and grace every day and for that I am so thankful. I find joy in being loved by Jesus even though I am so unworthy. I desire that same love for you. I desire you to be in heaven with me one day. I want you to know and experience the joy and promises I have been given through Christ. You and I are made in the image of God. (I read Genesis 1:26-27 to him). Satan wants you to question and think it is not that easy for you to accept and become new in Christ, just as he did to Adam and Eve when they believed his lie, thus bringing sin into the world. We are all sinners, but we are all saved and set free by the blood of Christ-but we have to accept Him and believe in Him.”
G-read to him John 3:16-So we flipped over to John 3:16 and read about God’s love for us, we discussed how wonderful that was and listened as Mr. R talked about his interest to learn more.
G-“I encourage you to read God’s word for yourself, and be very careful because there will be many people who try to twist the truth around. There is only one truth and it is the Bible, you have to read it for yourself so you can be prepared.”
Mr. R- “Isn’t there many different churches that believe as you do? But do things differently?”
G-“Yes, there are and that is why it is important for you to read God’s word for yourself. There have been many people who have tried to prove God’s word to be wrong, but no one has ever been able to. Man, it will still be hard at times and Satan will try to convince you or entice you with things of the world. But if you stay close to Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead you. You will be able to overcome those temptations. It is a daily thing for me. And if you do mess up, which we all do, Jesus will forgive you, but you have to confess your sins and repent. For example, once you confess the sin, like lying or cheating, you need to turn from it and not do it anymore.”
Me-“1 John 1:9 says, ‘If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
Mr. R- “I am very interested in learning more about this. Thank you, you have made me really think.”
Me-“Mr. R I will be praying for you and I hope that as the seed that is now planted will begin to be watered as you read more about Him. I will be praying for you daily.”
Mr. R. - “I was just about to say you don’t need to waste any of your time thinking about me, but thank you. I can see that is important to you.”
G-“Give him our email. If you have any questions and when you accept Jesus you have to email us and let us know.”
Me-“Here are a few Scriptures for you to read along with the ones we read together.”
Mr. R. - “Thank you I will look over them for sure. This is really important to you isn’t it?”
Me- of course now crying-“Yes, it is so important because I want you to be in heaven with us. I want you to know and feel the love of Christ like we do. I want you to know that Jesus is real, loving and desperately wants a relationship with you. I don’t want to see something happen to you when we part and Jesus not be Savior and Lord of your life. I know so many think they have time to do what they want and then give Jesus a try, what if something happened on your next flight do you really want it to just be game over, or wouldn’t you have peace knowing heaven and Jesus await you?”
Mr. R-“I have never thought about that. I have never had anyone close to me die.”
Me-“Today is the day of Salvation; it is available to you right now. We will be praying for you.”
The conversation ended, we all became silent, and the pilot announced we were making our decent, when I felt the tug of Jesus to pray with Mr. R.
Mr. R, would you mind if I prayed with you before we land? I asked. “Sure.” He replied. So I took my hand and placed it on his and began to pray. My heart full of emotion and even desperation for his to be softened, changed and filled with Christ, I cried out to the Lord and thanked Him for the opportunity to meet Mr. R and share with Him Jesus’ love. I closed and looked up at him, we all smiled and he thanked us again.
“By God’s special favor and mighty power, I have been given the wonderful privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News.” Ephesians 3:7
Mr. R we have yet to stop praying for you and will continue. I hope you know how loved you are in Jesus Christ.
Jesus thank You for Mr. R I pray Your seed for which You planted will begin to be watered by Your word and by other brothers and sisters who come in contact with Mr. R. Jesus we know Your word is never null and void and we praise You for that. Thank You that it accomplishes all You want to and that it will be sent out and used everywhere You want it to be. It is our prayer that Mr. R will come to have a personal relationship with You and that through that so will his family and all those who live in his country and at his place of work in Ghana. Use him Jesus in a mighty way for Your glory and for the lives of those who are lost. Reveal Yourself to Him each and every day and give him a burning desire to know more about You. Oh, Jesus place Your hand upon Mr. R, please Jesus I know he has the choice to choose You or to reject You, I pray he chooses You. Show Yourself to Him, lead him to the cross. I ask this in Your mighty and powerful name Jesus. Amen