"In this man Jesus there is forgiveness for your sins. Everyone who believes in him is freed from all guilt and declared right with God.
Acts 13:38-39
Dear Jesus I pray for each person that will read Your word today. Lord that we will be filled with true joy that lasts forever. A joy that comes from knowing You, serving You, and obeying You. Lord in You there is forgiveness, freedom from guilt, unconditional love, mercy, grace, eternity, hope, protection, and so much more all rolled up into one.
Today Lord may all the love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and freedom pour out from within us onto others. That they might experience You in a new and deeper way. Lord we thank You for each special individual that You have created in Your image. Lord let them feel Your presence as You wait and desire to spend time with them.
Jesus give us a taste of your sweetness, that leaves us hungering for more. Lord may we rise up and share the joy of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Give us a heavy burden to share You with all we come into contact with.
Today Jesus is the day of Salvation that is open for all, and we praise You singing Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.
Lord lift the loads of those who are weary, and give strength to those who are weak. Restore a fire within those whose flames have burned out. Lord come and be near to those whose hearts are broken, may they look to You the source of healing. Lord open the souls of those who do not know You, and restore the brokenness of those whose lives have crumbled.
Jesus, In You is so much more than what we could ever hope for, long for, work for, or desire. You are ALIVE, You are ALIVE, and soon You will return and take us into glory with You forever. Soon every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You are God. Hasten the day Lord!
May You be on the lips, minds, and hearts of all people who call You Lord! We love You, we love You, we love You.
It is in Your Great and mighty name we pray, Amen!