“When I learn your righteous laws, I will thank you by living as I should.” Psalm 119:7
I am sitting on this side of the cross extremely ecstatic!
I would say over the last several years I have endured some pretty tough refining, and today for the first time I have received some MAJOR clarity about why.
God is so good and this one conversation with the Lord this morning has made every bit of the refining process WORTH IT!
Jesus was not liked from the time He was born. I mean the minute Mary delivered Him, people tried to kill Him. Jesus never blended in-not once! He never gave in, nor did He EVER compromise His purpose or obedience.
One of the greatest things I have learned this morning was just how un-liked Jesus was; I have always known that, but today it has a WHOLE new meaning. As a Christian I have been un-liked. Not because I set out to be, although that is what I have been told, actually I have had people straight up call me names, through emails, letters, texts, in person, and through the comments on my blog , anonymously, and this is what makes me ECSTATIC. Yes, for the first time in my life because of what Christ has just taught me, I am ELATED.
The Pharisees hated Jesus, He made them feel uncomfortable, He made them aware of their sinfulness, He wouldn’t agree with them, join in with them, be like them, or even encourage them. He stood on the opposite side-God’s side. Just as He calls us to do today!
Now, I am a SINNER, FAR from perfect, who MESSES up quite often, BUT… I AM also a redeemed child of God, covered in the grace and mercy of the BLOOD of Christ. Who was just told by the King of Kings that Christ in me IS BEING seen, YES, with all the ugly name calling, I have questioned if Christ was being seen or if people were seeing a Pharisee. And that is where the clarity has come in! They are seeing JESUS!
When we let Christ go before us, and we stand firm in what His word says, people don’t like it-They don’t like feeling uncomfortable ( I don’t like feeling uncomfortable) they don’t like it when people don’t agree with the way they are living. The Pharisee’s didn’t like Jesus because of that. They don’t even like the accountability, they get defensive.
They despised Him-people who feel threatened by Jesus in us-NOT US OURSELVES-because we are NOTHING without CHRIST-feel threatened as well.
I am getting it-THIS IS ALL ABOUT JESUS-JESUS IN ME! Because this me, the SINNER, is nothing without Him, but a complete sinner destined for Hell.
The people in Jesus’ day set out to find fault in Him, they tried to set Him up, they called Him names, and they even disliked people who followed Him. Just thinking of Jesus made those people mad!
So the same disliked Jesus then, is the same Jesus today living in me that people don’t like in me or in any other true follower of Christ.
Thus the very words Christ spoke to me today, “And everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to me. But those who endure to the end will be saved.” Matthew 10:22 “But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything will be revealed; all that is secret will be made public.” Matthew 10:26
AND the greatest thing He spoke to me today that reassured me that His reflection IS being seen.
“When the world hates you, remember it hated me before it hated you. The world would love you if you belonged to it, but you don’t. I chose you to come out of the world, and so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? A servant is not greater than the master. Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you.” John 15:18-20
Jesus called me and you to be different than the world, in doing so conflict and name calling will arise, it’s inevitable. But it is possible to love and get through it, because Jesus did…ALL THE WAY TO THE CROSS.
This is one JOYFUL child of God-Yes it is hard to be called names, spoken ugly to, BUT if it is for the sake of Christ being seen in me-PRAISE GOD, because that means HE is being seen!
Brethren I am learning and He is revealing that I am thanking Him by living as I should. So GET BACK SATAN!
Prayer: Jesus You never said it would be easy, but You did promise to walk with us. Thank You for Your amazing encouragement today, You knew how badly I needed it. Jesus You are WORTH IT! You are worth being disliked for, You are worth being called names, You are worth standing alone for. You are WORTH IT, eternity with You is WORTH IT. Keep me from EVER blending in, keep me from EVER compromising my faith so I can enjoy worldly friendships. Jesus thank You for giving me a glimpse of why I have been enduring so much refining, it has been worth it. You being seen, known, looked at, is worth it. Jesus there is no sin that is acceptable to You, and no matter how many different friends we bounce around to, no matter what ugly things we say, or how many different churches we jump around to, it will still not be accepted by YOU. Keep me humble, full of Your word, and full of a hunger for You. Most of all keep going before me, shining through me, and revealing to me when I let sin dim Your light from shining. Amen