“I wonder what this child will turn out to be?” For the hand of the Lord is surely upon him in a special way.” Luke 1:66
DAY 14-Goodness, can you believe it is day 14? I hope you are learning more about our incredible Heavenly Father. As we continue to travel, I hope you are seeing the importance of each story. It is these stories that lead up to our destination in Bethlehem .
Yesterday I shared with you the day of John’s circumcision ceremony and the moment that I regained by speech. Today I want to share with you the news that spread throughout Judea .
The moment everyone heard words come out of my mouth, their jaws dropped and their eyes widened. “Wonder fell upon the whole neighborhood, and the news of what had happened spread throughout the Judean hills. Everyone who heard about it reflected on these events and asked. “I wonder what this child will turn out to be?” For the hand of the Lord is surely upon him in a special way.” Luke 1:65-66
I want to share with you what our friend Isaiah says in chapter 55:10-11-it will help you see the power and control of our Mighty God. “The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with my word. I send it out and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to and will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:10-11
It is awesome to see how that really does happen. It was my speechlessness; my son receiving the name John, and it was the moment I could speak again that sent people out spreading the news. I believe this was the beginning of just how special our son would be, and how influential he was going to be on the world. God’s purpose and reason for giving us John was so he could prepare the way for the one to come.
Did you know that you are very similar to my son John, each and everyone of you? At your birth the news spread and people rejoiced. You were brought into this world to do just as our son John did-he prepared the way for Jesus-You are here to prepare the return of Jesus. What a special privilege! Make each day a special day, a day devoted to preparing for His return. Most of all remember the words of our friend Isaiah and rest assured that when the Spirit speaks through you, God will take it and accomplish all HE wants it to and it will prosper everywhere HE sends it.
He is coming, yes He is coming, oh thank you Jesus, we await your coming!