Monday, June 27, 2011

Second to None

This is Garrett- I hijacked my wife's blog. 

"You must worship the Lord your God; serve only him." Luke 4:8

How hard is this!  Satan can twist, turn, fog and distort the truth which in time will lead us away from Christ.  One of the most common tactics and schemes he uses is the attack of “busyness”, busyness within our work place, homes or everyday duties.  The struggles of life can become a burden if we try to live life ourselves.

Alarm sounds.  Hit snooze.  Alarm sounds.  Stumble out of bed and go through the regular morning preparations.  Then off to another day at a boring place of work.  A week goes by, then a month and then a year.  Before you know it you are a victim of "busyness".  I can speak from experience.  

We become servants to our schedules and distant from the Lord when we invest more in us.  How can we put Christ first in our busy day and not serve anything else?

  1) "Keep on praying” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Be completely honest with God and let Him know your struggles.  Put reminders in places you will notice them throughout your day.  Office, car, phone, computer screen, etc...   

  2)  “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."  John 15:5

We have to remain in Him, stay in the Word.  He will not leave us.  It is us that drift from Him.  

  3)  “...bad company corrupts good character.”  1 Corinthians 15:33

Surround yourself with friends that encourage you in Christ.  Don't settle in your relationships with friends to fit in or gain political status.  Stay focused on Christ not the world or what it has to offer.

Thank You Lord for Your forgiveness!  Forgive me for not putting You first and for serving my needs and schedule before You.  Forgive me for getting caught up in things that are meaningless. We praise You for Your mercy and grace.  Amen.