How often is Jesus the main topic of our conversation? The more I step back and listen to all the conversations that go on around me, I realize how little Jesus is in them and it leaves me wondering why.
Why don’t we talk about Jesus more? We talk about our jobs, our hobbies, our plans, our families, each other, even ourselves. Yet we leave Jesus out, except for on Sunday’s, or in times of disaster, or crisis.
I can tell you in my home a majority of the conversations we have revolve around football. And when Garrett’s whole family is together it seems that football and work is the only topic ever discussed, so it seems. I often ask Garrett if there is anything other than football or work that we could talk about.
It seems as though talking about Jesus is unnatural and uncomfortable to so many of us that we avoid it as much as possible. Why is that? Is it because we don’t enough about Him or His word? Is it because we don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable? Do we find talking about Jesus boring or not as interesting? Why do we not talk about Jesus on a regular basis?
Jesus does so much for us, is involved in every part of our lives and our day. He is always teaching us things, He is the reason we are able to even have conversations, and yet we talk about everything but Him.
Does the absence of Jesus in our conversation, fulfill the plan of Satan?
How often does Jesus make your conversation?
What happens when you bring Jesus into a conversation?
How can we make Him become the topic of conversation?
I love what the LORD tells Moses in Exodus 13:8-9, “This is a celebration of what the Lord did for us when we left Egypt. This annual festival will be a visible reminder to you, like a mark branded on your hands or your forehead. Let it remind you always to keep the LORD’S instructions in your minds and on your lips. After all, it was the LORD who rescued you from Egypt with great power.”
Today as you and I stand on this side of the cross we too have a lot to celebrate. The cross is our visible reminder of what Jesus did for us. His blood is our mark; it has branded our entire body. We should reflect upon it and on Him daily and always keep it on our minds and our lips. We should speak of the great things and great power Christ has done for us in every conversation.
Jesus would You take us as far as not being able to even carry a conversation if You are not the main topic. Jesus You have done so much for us and You are about to do even more for us. That in itself is worth talking about. Amen