"Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." 1 Peter 3:3-4
My heart aches for you sweet woman, who is caught up in the entanglement of this world.
As you set out on your daily search to be loved, admired, fulfilled, and of value, I notice you are looking to the things that provide only temporary fulfillment.
It saddens me to see this.
It saddens Him to watch you.
He has what you need, yet you continue to look elsewhere. You look to clothes, appearance, men, even the compliments of other women. You shop to impress, to fill a void, yet at the end of the day, when you are all dressed up, you lay down your head and find, the emptiness is still there.
The words of your spouse become only words, they are not enough for you anymore. You soon desire the looks of others as you walk down the street, in a store, or restaurant.
Or maybe you have gone in the opposite direction and have began to care very little about yourself. Your insecurity and own condemnation has led you to the place of little desire to look nice, to take care of your body. You have let yourself go.
This saddens me to see this.
This saddens Him to watch you.
He has a purpose for you. He has washed away all self condemnation with His very own blood. Yet you listen to the lies of Satan and others who say, "You are not good enough. You are ugly. Look at her, she has it better than you. You will never amount to more than this. You have to look this way and be this size."
Sweet girl, we all have insecurities. Not one is perfect, no not one. God does not have those desires or standards for you. He wants you, exactly the way He made you-in His image.
Don't cover up God's beauty with food, or lazy attire. Don't expose God's beauty with little clothing either. Don't arouse the attention of men, by dressing inappropriately. There are men who do desire to remain pure and committed to their spouses and the Lord. Don't cause them to stumble because of your need to be noticed, sought after and loved. A modest woman, secure in the Lord is of more beauty than any other.
Don't place your family in debt because your need to be admired and noticed sent you spending more on clothing and the finest for your home and children.
God always provides our daily needs. Abundance is found in His blessings not in materialistic things.
Sweet woman, these words that spew from your mouth, be careful with them. You will be held accountable for them one day. They can never be taken back.
This saddens me to hear such ugliness, towards other women who are hurting and searching just as you are.
This saddens Him to hear this.
These words you utter, are not a true reflection of Him. Don't allow your words and feelings to get tangled up. Be wise with them.
Remember, your words always reach the one you are speaking about. Forgiveness and kindness go farther, heal the hurt quicker, and offer freedom.
Negative words, towards yourself or others, bring bondage, more insecurity and doubt.
Don't be known as a gossip, it only reveals your insecurity, doubt in God, and your desire to be liked by man, rather than your desire to please the Lord.
Sweet woman, your actions. They are a reflection of all that is held in your heart. The rolling of your eyes, the disrespect with your body language, the fakeness in your tone. They all reveal what's in your heart.
This saddens me to see this.
This saddens Him to watch you.
Your spouse desires respect, and the biggest way he sees and feels that respect is through your actions.
She deserves to be respected and cared for, just as you do. Though she hurt you, don't hurt her in return. You will accomplish nothing by doing that.
Your actions are an overflow of what you fill your heart with. What flows from you, sweet woman?
And lastly, transparency.
Sweet woman, as you walk into your closet, seek out the outfit that reveals a woman of God. A woman who desires to show others God's mercy and grace. A woman that reveals the scars in a manner that will point others to the Cross.
Be a woman that is as genuine and real, as she portrays to be, that is transparency, when others can see Him clear to the core of you.
Be clothed in the Word.
For then, as you walk, others will see the "Light" of the Cross embedded within you.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
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