Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Are you a walking Religion or are you IN love?

“You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me so that I can give you this eternal life. Your approval or disapproval means nothing to me, because I know you don’t have God’s love within you.” John 5:39-42

Why do you serve God?

1. For His benefits

2. Afraid of Hell

3. Tradition and Ritual

4. A need for some form of religion to meet your spiritual needs.

5. A form of spirituality

6. Political gain

7. for the attention and praise of others

8. Following the crowd

9. Because you love Him


10. Because you are IN love with Him

-Written by James Mejias

As I read these questions written by our good friend I could not help but to wonder what the true answer was in my own life. I believe it is easy for us to say we love Jesus but are we really IN love with Jesus or do we fall into the same category as the Pharisees and Sadducees did? Are we really just a bunch of walking religions? Last night as I thought about these questions, God revealed something to me that is so true. It is a lot of work to be a religious-law abider. It leaves you miserable, grumpy, angry at those who don’t follow the law, jealous of others, blind, greedy, self-righteous, and it leaves you plum worn out and hardened to the true meaning of why Christ came, died, and rose again.

But when we put aside the religion mess and just fall IN love with Christ it becomes freeing, satisfying, enjoyable, and brings a sense of peace, rest, and hopefulness. It opens our eyes to the meaning of mercy and grace and it softens our hearts. Think about it, when you are IN love with someone you love everything about them, you overlook the flaws, the annoyances, and you accept them for who they are and where they are, just like Christ does for us. So why is it so much easier and better to be IN love with Christ and not a walking religion?

Because Christ paid the price

He accepts us for who we are and where we are

He shows us undeserved mercy and grace everyday-when the walking religions condemn us.

He gives hope-when the walking religions fill us with fear

He gives us life-when the walking religions bring death

He adores us and His love is unconditional-where as the walking religions are concerned only with themselves and love only when they are benefited.

And finally just as the song says, Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, but His blood washed it white as snow! –the walking religions law could and will never do that.

So why do you serve God, because you are IN love with His Son, or because it is a part of your religion? Do others see the joy in your life that comes from being IN love with Christ or do they see you as someone who just goes through the motions and blends in with the all the other walking religions? God knows, you know and others now when you are truly IN love with Christ-you show through it through your obedience and your heart for Jesus and for others is genuine, consistent and sincere.

Prayer: Lord thank You for the amazing joy that comes from being IN love with Your Son. May we break the mold of being walking religions and show the world what serving You really is. Lord reveal to each of us areas in our lives that need to be changed. Amen