Where are you faithful ones who seek the face of God. Show yourselves!
Where are you?
Why have you hidden? Why are you afraid?
What can mere mortals do to you?
I am your protector. I am your strength. I will lead you through the battles.
Where are you faithful ones who gather together, come out and show yourselves faithful and true.
Why do you hold back? Why do you shy away?
Stand up. Stand strong. Stand out.
For I the Lord your God, need workers. Workers to go out into the fields. Workers who will plant and those who will harvest.
Where are you, faithful ones? I see and hear the decisions, yet I see so little disciples.
Why is your light so dim, faithful ones?
Why do you hide it with things, and fears, and insecurities?
My Word is your armor, my Son's life is your security.
Won't you rise up and proclaim my name?
Come to me and let me fill you up. Let me, the Great I Am, fill you FULL of Faith, for then you will go out into the world as one who indeed is faithFUL.
"Help, O Lord, for the godly are fast disappearing! The faithful have vanished from the earth! Neighbors lie to each other, speaking with flattering lips and insincere hearts. May the Lord bring their flattery to an end and silence their proud tongues. They say, 'We will lie to our hearts' content. Our lips are our own-who can stop us?' The Lord replies, 'I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for me to do.' The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over. Therefore, Lord, we know you will protect the oppressed, preserving them forever from this lying generation, even though the wicked strut about, and evil is praised throughout the land." Psalm 12:1-8