How do we keep from becoming like this? How do we make sure our family does not fall into these categories?
Maybe we could start by admitting which ones we personally struggle with and then make sure we confess and repent turning away from them.
It's not an easy thing, but if we don't confess and repent then not only will that way of living destroy us, it will destroy our families.
Have you already seen these things amongst your family and yourself?
It happens, God even says so.
It's sad when you see families fall apart because of pride, selfishness, bitterness, and anger.
You know this verse goes against Christ's nature, love and commands.
Maybe we need to stay here a little while and allow Christ to reveal to us the parts that He sees in us. Then we need to take those parts and see what the rest of His Word says about them and how to overcome them and be set free from them.
I will be the first to admit it stinks when the Lord reveals to you areas that need to be fixed. But what's worse is when He shows us and we don't do anything about it!
But I want to be better for Him, don't You?
Jesus reveal to me any of these sins that are lurking within me. Reveal to me any and all sour aroma. I want to be better for You. I want to offer up the sweetest aroma to You and I want to be a reflection of You, so others will come to know and want more of You. Amen