Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Remove the cover and let your transparency show.

“Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or because someone has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth. Instead, we will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:14-16

He has never made Himself anonymous. Nor did He wear a cover on the outside to hide who He really was on the inside. He has always known who He is-Jesus Christ.

He is real, honest, open, and upfront. He does not pretend to be our friend, our protector, our healer, our Lord. He is who He says He is, and means what He says. He has no hidden intentions or motives. Everything He represents, shows, and reveals is His true identity.

We on the other hand, well…we make ourselves anonymous, so we can voice our opinion, vent our anger, hide what we are doing if wrong, check-up on others without being seen, and so forth.

We cover ourselves up to hide who we really are. Why, because of the fear of being rejected, made fun of, hurt, left out, and/or having our sins exposed.

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine about being transparent. When asked how she is doing it is always, “I am good.” When in reality she is a complete mess on the inside. But because she does not want to burden anyone or admit she is in desperate need of prayer, fellowship, and friendship she leads others to believe she is fine. Knowing what I know now, I can always tell when I have the transparent part of her, or if she has put on a cover. Help and growth cannot take effect unless truth is involved.

I think we have all done that a time or two. Remember that day when you were really struggling with some things personally, yet when your colleague, church member, or friend asked you how you were doing, you put on that instant smile reached down for that cheerful voice and said, “I am doing good.” Maybe you are doing good, and maybe that moment was not the moment for you to put your struggles, stress, or issues on them, but what if instead of throwing on that quick cover up you replied with a , “Pray for me?” Now that is transparency and vulnerability! And those who are prayer warriors do not need an explanation of why you need prayer, they will just begin to pray knowing the Lord knows.

As believers, seeking to be Christ-like, we no longer have to make ourselves anonymous or cover up who we are or what we are struggling with or feeling. Better yet we don’t have to be ashamed of our past either because we have been forgiven, redeemed, washed cleaned, and our very Father Himself remembers them no more!  So it is okay to be our transparent selves without fear of what others will see or think.  And we can do so because of Christ in us.

The more we begin to represent Christ, the brighter our projection of Christ will be, and the more we will walk in the confidence of who we are in Him, instead of who we are in the world. 

We should never be afraid to let the work of Christ in us be seen. There are so many people struggling and if they can see how the Lord delivers us, works in us, loves us, and accepts us, it will give them hope and might even open their eyes to the need for Christ in their life. None of that can be done if we are anonymous or covering His work up.

Who we are in the world is night and day different than who we are in Christ.

In the world we are imperfect, sinful, anonymous, covered up, and messed up people, who fall prey to the lies of Satan. But in Christ we are perfect, forgiven, straightened out, revealed, exposed and covered in grace, children of God.

Jesus You know everything there is to know about me, yet at times I try to cover up the true identity of my heart. If there is anyone who accepts the true me, it is You, the very One whom created me. Thank You for teaching me the importance of being transparent and how through my transparency You are seen. May I never be afraid to let the real me be seen, for when the real me is seen, so are the work of Your hands. Amen