Tuesday, March 11, 2014

To See as You See

"Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word." 
Psalm 119:37

These eyes don't see as You see. 

You see His blood. You see perfection through Him. You see a soul You love, have rescued and belongs to You. 

You see things with a wider lens. You see with compassion and gentleness.

Your eyes never grow weak, they never close. 

These eyes, let them see what You see. 

Fill them with the same vision of Your Son.

May they not focus on anything other than You, Your Word, Your truth, Your promises, Your love. 

Change the vision in these eyes to see the lost as You do. To see the broken as You do. To see the widowed and orphaned as You do. To see those in slavery as You do. 

Change the vision in these eyes to see me as You see me, loved, saved, valued and adored.