Friday, June 4, 2010


“People need more than bread for their life, they must feed on every of God.” Matthew 4:4

Instead of spending the free time that I had last night studying the word of God, I spent it watching cartoons, reading my email, and the yahoo news which is full of nonsense, and though none of that was bad it was in no way productive or even beneficial. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t think God was displeased but I was. Why, because instead of finding contentment in His word I used the T.V. and the internet, two of the worst things to fill my mind with and two very wasteful things!

Do you know the greatest lesson I learned from wasting such precious time, is that we really do have the time to spend with Jesus we just choose to spend our time on wasteful things that we find necessary. Or I should  that are self-pleasing. If I was to stop and take a minute to ask myself if what I was doing was beneficial to my spiritual growth or wasteful, maybe I would reconsider what I was doing. Maybe I would even stop making the excuse that there is just not enough time in the day because I would be more aware of what I was using my time for.

Jesus did not spend the 40 days in the wilderness for self-gratification, or to waste time. He did it so He could draw from the strength of His Father in Heaven. That, my friend, is what I should have been doing during my free time, drawing strength and wisdom from my Heavenly Father.

I mean isn’t that the very reason Lord, You spoke to my heart and told me to start this 52 week application?

When God called Paul to the ministry, He sent him away for three years in almost complete isolation so that he could be taught the word of God. I don’t think Paul spent his free time pleasing his flesh, or wasting it on things that were not necessary. I of course do not know that for sure, but I would assume he didn’t. He spent it learning and being equipped by the Father to preach the Good News.

I am in no way bashing myself I am simply making the point that I desire to use my free time getting to know the Lord and the word of God better, of which I did not do. When you put all that you do in the light of Christ and the word He will begin to show you areas that need to be changed and in this case it is using my time to feed on the word of God and not on my flesh.

Prayer: Lord thank You for revealing to me how important it is that I use my time to feast on Your word and not on the things of the world. Lord continue to convict me when I use my time in a wasteful manner. Amen