“What this means is that those who become Christians become a new person. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
I am human; I struggle with sin every single day, some days more than others. But there is absolutely no exception or excuse for ungodly behavior. Because more than just being a human, I am a child of God. I am the daughter of the Great I Am. I am the princess of the King of Kings. I am also a sister to thousands of others in Christ. With that comes lot’s of accountability and even more of a reason that my behavior, my words, and my actions should be that of which my Father in heaven has taught me.
You see my Father is perfect, pure and holy and He represents everything that is good, not bad! Since I am His child, than I too must represent what is good. I must stop falling into the temptations of comparing, judging, gossiping, speaking harsh words to and about others. I must not act out on anger, jealousy, or hurt. I must not be fearful to speak boldly for the Lord and I must be willing to stop any and all conversations that will cause me or anyone of God’s children to stumble. None of that will ever bring people to the Lord nor will people ever see Christ in me.
When I became a child of God my old sinful nature was stripped away and I was given a new life with a new nature controlled by the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit is in control He does everything that pleases the Father. He who is within me is loving, kind, patient, selfless, and encouraging. He speaks in love with gentleness and self-control, He always seeks to do what is right, He is joyful, and He always aligns Himself with the will and word of God.
If I claim and know that I am a child of God than I am to acquire the character qualities of my Father. I am to possess Godly behavior that is good not bad. I must start becoming the daughter that represents her Father with grace, love, honor, obedience and dignity and I must be the sister who loves, encourages, is kind, gentle and patient with all of her brothers and sisters and with all those who are lost.
Prayer: Lord forgive me for putting myself in situations and conversations that have not been pleasing to You. May I be the daughter and sister You have designed and called me to be. May I not just speak Your word but live it out! Amen