Sunday, August 24, 2014

Exodus 3-Outline

Exodus 3

Study: Israel in Egypt

Store: “Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply: God’s Voice and Deliverance

Learn: Moses and the Burning Bush

1. God’s Presence (Exodus 3:1-6)
§  God’s Timing
o   Moses is tending to the flock
**Bonus Question-How long from the time Moses fled Egypt until God reveled Himself in the burning bush? Acts 7:30
o   Three 40’s -40 years as a prince in Egypt
                                                             -40 years as a Shepherd in Midian
                                                             -40 years as a king in Jeshurun

·       It is not until the Second forty that God calls him to return to Egypt to free the Israelites.

·       What changes and training over the last 80 years have we seen God make in the life of Moses?

§  In what ways does God grab our attention?

§  In what ways has God changed and trained you?

·       God’s Holiness
o   How does God reveal His presence to Moses?

     ***Bonus Question: What is the significance of the Mountain of God?

·       What is Moses’ immediate reaction when God reveals who he is to Moses?
o   He buries his face in his hands, afraid to look. Why?

o   How do we take God for granted today?

o   How do we get the “Fear” of God back?

·       At God’s command Moses did what?

§  What does this reveal about Moses’ understanding of God?
§  Today God gives us many commands; do we react in obedience, reverence, and with haste?

·       What are some things God commands us to do today?
                                 ***When God tells us to do something we should do it!

2. God’s Omnipotence and Calling (Exodus 3:7-10)

            -What do we learn about God in verses 7-8
·       What immediate command does God give Moses?
o   Where else do we see Jesus giving this similar command to us?
·       Matthew 28:19
·       This is a command to GO and do. God does not say, “If you want to.”
§  Are you obedient to GO when God tells you to go?

3. Moses’ Excuses (Exodus 3:11-18)
o   Upon God’s command, Moses immediately responds with excuses of why he is unqualified to go.
§  3 Excuses Moses Makes

1.    Inadequacy
a.      Who am I-He questions his ability
                                                                                                              i.     What makes you feel inadequate?

b.     How am I capable of doing something like that?

2.    Doubt
a.      He doubted God’s ability to prepare the way.
                                                                                                              i.     List 2 ways you have doubted God.

3.      Fear
a.      What do I say, what if they don’t believe me?
                                                                                                              i.     List two ways fears you have that are keeping you from fulfilling God’s call on your life.

  4. God’s guidance and assurance (Exodus 3:11-22)

o   God’s Responses
o   Excuse #1-“Who am I…”
§  God’s response-

o   Excuse #2-“…they won’t believe me…then what should I tell them?”
o   God’s response-

o   What does the name “I AM” symbolize?
§  God is never changing
§  He is the same yesterday, today and forever
·       Hebrews 13:8
  ****Bonus Question: Why did God address Himself as the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

§  God’s commands
o   What 2 commands did God give Moses in verses 16-18

§  God’s re-assurance
o   How did God reassure Moses in verses 18-22

o   God gave Moses the greatest re-assurance in verses 19-22
                                                      How does this passage give you hope?


1. God is alive and active
2. Be obedient and act on God’s commands
3. Trust in God’s plan for your life

4. Cling and claim His promises.

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