“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” 3 John 1:2
Precious woman, as I sit here this morning my heart breaks for you. My chest seems to sense the agony of yours, and it breaks my heart even more. I can’t seem to grasp the fear that you feel, nor can I even begin to comprehend the sadness that has filled your home.
I cannot truly understand the anger, but I know if it were me, I too would be angry. Angry at the sickness, angry at the what if’s and why's, just angry.
Precious woman, the very day I heard my heart has not been the same, nor have my thoughts, and yet I cannot even begin to comprehend what you felt or thought the moment you heard.
As I sit here this morning I know that today is the beginning of your fight; the fight to win, the fight to heal, the fight to not lose the precious you, the fight to not let this get the best of you. And yet, you and I know the difficulty of this fight. Yet I believe it is not just the beginning of your fight but the beginning of your healing. Oh, precious woman I pray you know this fight you will fight will end in victory! Healing will come!
Precious woman, though a portion of you will change, your beauty will not. For the beauty you hold is the beauty from within-His beauty in you. Cling to that beauty precious woman, and know it is His eyes that matter and the eyes of that wonderful man who has been next to you for the last 15 plus years. I know the beauty he sees is the beauty we see.
Precious woman I sit here, here in the Most Holy Place, made way by Christ Himself, flooding the throne room on your behalf. I cry out for healing for you. I cry out for strength for you first, and for your family second. I pray for your eyes to be focused on the Healer Himself. I pray for wisdom to fill the minds of every doctor who will care for you. I pray that the Lord Himself will be the Surgeons hands. My prayer turns into weeping as I cry out for complete healing to take place; healing for your body, healing for your family, healing for your girls. And I know you are crying out the very same prayer.
Precious Dana Christ knows your very need and He knows your every fear. He knows the days ahead starting with today. He knows the pain, oh how well He knows the pain. He knows every detail and every square inch of you. He knows Dana. Rest in Him, run to Him, find comfort, peace, and healing in Him.
You are loved sweet Dana, so very loved, by us but most of all by Him-Jesus.
Today brethren my precious friend Dana will begin her fight against Breast Cancer. So today I ask, not just any of you, but those of you who are faithful to pray, those who say they will pray and will actually pray, and not just today but everyday. Pray for Dana as she begins this battle, pray for her husband Mark and their two precious daughters. Pray for her parents and his parents as they all join in to do what needs to be done. Please just pray!
Father thank You for Dana and her precious family. Today I ask that You fill every square inch of their home with Your presence. I ask for Your healing hand to be upon Dana as she begins her first round of chemo. Give her more strength than she new existed. Give her body the power to fight every bit of the cancer with such force that everyone knows it is You fighting it for her. Give her family the endurance, rest, strength and support they need to help her. But Jesus more than any of that we ask that You completely heal her. Wrap Your arms so tightly around her she can physically feel You. Place her eyes on You and bring her and her family to complete dependence upon You. Give every doctor the wisdom and discernment needed to know exactly how to treat and care for her. Jesus draw near to Dana, she needs You, we all need You. Amen