“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
Where does the source of our thoughts come?
TV, Movies
Magazines, News, Books, Internet
Friends, Family
Church, The word of God, Prayer
-What are some results that come from each source?
TV/Movies-unrealistic expectations, impure thoughts, fear. On the flip side they can bring God’s word to people around the world.
Friends-this one takes evaluation; if a “true” Christian-they will be encouraging, keep you accountable, honest, forgiving, and genuine, encourage you spiritually, and will help you to have pure thoughts. They will give godly counsel, and always point you to Christ.
-Those who are lukewarm friends will be there for you when it is convenient to them, will be easily angered when held accountable, will encourage you to partake in worldly pleasures, will talk about others to better themselves. And will very rarely carry on a conversation that is God centered.
Magazines/Books-Insecurity, gossip, lust, and impure thoughts, or if chosen properly can share God’s word, encouragement, help, and hope, but of course the greatest book to be used and read is the word of God.
Internet-let’s see; insecurity, lust, temptation, gossip, fraud, etc. However it can also bring God’s word to people around the world, Church resources, communication with friends and family.
Family-our families can either be a godly source or a worldly source. If it is a family who is absent from Christ-our thoughts will be full of flesh. If they are a lukewarm family-they will fill our thoughts with confusion, they will be one way at home and one way at church. If a “true” family of God-they will fill our thoughts with the word of God.
Church-should be the source that brings unity in thoughts with other brothers and sisters. It should point our thoughts to Christ through…
The word of God/Prayer-these two are the main sources from which our thoughts should be on continually! They are what will lead us in the direction of thinking in the Spirit.
What sources are controlling your thoughts? Do you have some sources that need to be removed?
Prayer: Lord examine our deepest thoughts, reveal to us the sources that have begun to control our thoughts. Give us a distaste for all those that are displeasing to You. May the thoughts of our hearts be pleasing to You in all ways. Amen