“Throw off your old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception. Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes. You must display a new nature because you are a new person, created in God’s likeness,-righteous, holy, and true.” Ephesians 4:22-24
A while back I had a conversation with a relative about drinking. And during the discussion the comment was made as always, “I don’t think there is anything wrong with drinking, if you don’t abuse it.” As I sat and listened trying to understand their point of view I realized just how many people agree with them. I immediately began praying that the Holy Spirit would take over the conversation and speak the exact words that would need to be spoken.
And as they looked at me and asked; “Why do you think it is bad, what is the big deal?” I sat there for a moment and thought; I can either tell them my opinion or let the Holy Spirit speak for me. And for once in my life I made a good judgment call and allowed the Holy Spirit to work.
This is what came out “When I chose to become a follower of Jesus Christ, I made the commitment to die to myself and put on Christ. In doing that, I now represent Jesus in all I do and say. So upon that decision my every move, word, and action needs to be bringing Christ glory. They interrupted, “I made that decision also.” My response; “That is wonderful and I am not questioning that. But when we choose to go out and drink, and other people see us with that drink in our hand what do they see? Do they see us partaking in a worldly thing, or do they see Jesus?” It is the same with the words that come out of our mouth, what music we listen to, what TV shows we watch, our actions towards others, etc. Does it represent Jesus?
This brings me to number 26 on our list of things to crave-Transformation.
It is not about who is right and who is wrong! It is about doing exactly what Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:22-24, and that is transforming ourselves by throwing off our old evil nature and former way of life, and putting on Christ who is righteous, holy and true.
When we truly cloth ourselves in the Word of God, our thoughts and attitudes become aligned with God’s thoughts and attitude. It is that, which we should crave, to be one with Christ-enthroned in His will! We should desire transformation everyday as we fill our hearts with His Word, love, mercy, and grace.
Prayer: Jesus, come in and transform us by changing the way we think. Come sit in the driver seat of our hearts, and steer us in the direction of Your will! In Jesus name, Amen.