As we begin a new day that the Lord has made, let's focus on having pure motives in all that we do.
It's easy to let self get in the way this causing our motives to become selfish.
Let's remember why we are choosing to be healthy. Not for ourselves but for Christ.
May our motives be pure in His sight and pleasing to His eyes.
In your time with the Lord today ask Him to reveal your true motives.
And as He does thank Him, praise Him and confess the ones that displease Him.
May this verse fall upon you today and begin to weave itself into the deepest parts of your being uprooting any impure or selfish motives.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life."
Jesus thank You for loving us so much that You desire only the very best. May every thought, spoken word, action and reason be to magnify You. Help us be mindful and conscious of our health today. Before we eat or do anything may we think of the benefits and effects it will have on our bodies. Help our motives to be pure and selfless. Amen