Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Go Farther

“May grace and peace be yours, sent to you from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.” Ephesians 1:2

When is the last time you spoke, text, emailed or called someone and said, “May grace and peace be yours, sent to you from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord?”

How does it make you feel just reading it? Do you laugh or mutter to yourself, “I would never say that, it’s weird.”  Maybe those words make you feel weird and so to say them would just be plain awkward.


Whatever the reason is, Paul did it because he had a genuine love for people and Christ. He didn’t just settle with a mere, “I’ll pray for you.” He always went further.

Paul was so good about pouring out the sweetest blessings and prayers to the Churches. I have yet to read one of his letters where He did not either pray or speak God’s richest blessings, love, grace and peace to fall on the Church and its people.

How often do we pour out sweet blessings and prayers to those we are in contact with? I don’t know maybe people find it weird, or uncomfortable, but honestly when I read Paul’s letters I find joy and hope in them. I like to read those sweet words from him and I want to pour out the same comfort and hope it brings me to others.

Although Paul had to be stern at times with those in the Church, he still wanted God’s best for them.

Isn’t it sad to think that maybe we don’t always want the best for others. Do we wish to have the Lord withhold His blessings, grace, and peace from those who have hurt us or offended us?

Do we want God’s absolute best for our brothers and sisters in Christ? So often I hear people say that Christians fight more amongst one another than any other religion. That is devastating!

Paul knew that he was not capable of giving any greater gift than the gift of Christ Jesus. He also knew that God was the ONLY one that could give grace and peace.

God’s Word is so powerful, so what better way to bless and be blessed than by praying and speaking God’s Word over others. Let’s go farther and do more than just mutter an “I’ll pray for you.”

May grace and peace be yours sweet brethren, sent to you from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.