“Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.” Colossians 1:15
Is He the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Bread of Life, the exact representation of God? Is He the way, truth and life?
I hope you answered yes to all of the above, because Jesus is all of those.
He also is the visible image of the invisible God-Colossians 1:15
Knowing Him is to know God. In Christ, God revealed Himself. In Christ, God made Himself in human form to be touched, seen, felt and heard.
Jesus is God Himself, and when He added human flesh, He did it with purpose. He came right here to this tiny speck we call earth, to meet us where we are, and to show us Himself and our need for Him, all while providing a way through His death.
In Christ, God did not demand or cling to His rights as God. (Philippians 2:6) Rather He humbled Himself in the lowest manner possible. He lived as we lived, felt as we feel, laughed as we laugh, hurt as we hurt, and cried as we cry. He overcame temptation and showed us how to do the same. He made Himself available to us, He served, and did all that His Father asked Him to do.
It is through Christ we know God. It is through Christ we will one day live with God. It is through Christ we are made right with God.
“Anyone who has seen me has seen my Father.” John 14:9
How well do you know God?