You have shown me why serving Jesus is the greatest and best joy of my life.
You have taught me how to be a woman who loves and respects my husband. Your love for us can't be explained.
You have shown and taught us the importance of serving others and how that is one of the greatest ways to reflect and point others to Christ.
Your love for mama is indescribable.
There is not a person on earth that does not love and respect you.
You have been the most loving, comforting and merciful daddy.
My words will NEVER be able to express how amazing you are and how much I love you.
Thank you, daddy for showing me Jesus. Thank you, daddy for always encouraging me to grow in my walk. Thank you, daddy for never giving up on me. Thank you for teaching me the importance of a personal relationship with Christ.
You are the perfect picture of my Heavenly Father in flesh and I am ever so grateful to be your baby!
I will always be your baby who is passionately in love with you.
Thank you for the countless hours you have spent in prayer for me over the last 34 years.
You are extremely loved and adored. Every day I get with you here is an absolute treasure and gift. I am better because of your daily love.