But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.” Psalm 50:23
The greatest sacrifice is a heart full of thanksgiving. That is the sweetest aroma we could ever offer to the Lord.
When we acknowledge His goodness, love, mercy and grace and we express it through our praise and obedience, He is honored.
How often do we stop and thank the Lord for all He has done, does, and will do for us?
What changes do we need to allow the Lord to make in our lives so we can spend more time giving the sacrifice of thanksgiving that honors Him?
He is greater and bigger than any problem. He stronger and more powerful than any illness! He is more forgiving and loving than any human.
Jesus You are amazing, beautiful, holy, and perfect! Thank You for Your unending love and protection. Thank You for the gift of life. Amen