Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Word

"Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105

God's Word speaks. It speaks clearly, profoundly, lovingly, and with conviction. The Lord left nothing un-turned. He made sure to cover every area that pertains to Him and to us.

He knew that when we found Him, His Word would be our source and bread of life. 
Unfortunately, many try to live on everything other than His Word, even the saved.  

I don’t know or even understand why God’s Word is not the number one read book, nor do I know or understand why it is not our go to guide.

The Lord answers every question we would ever have. He addresses every issue. From who He is, to the beginning of creation to the end of time; from parenting, to diet, to our profession, to marriage, to health, how to live, to friendships, to death, to life, in trials, temptations, and clear to every how-to.

The laws were founded on God’s Word. Who we are is found in God’s Word. Any and everything we could ever imagine or ask is found in God’s Word.

But in order for us to know all of these things, we have to open our guide to life and feast on our daily bread-God's Word.

Let's stop looking to man for the answers and start looking to the One who knows all the answers, Jesus.

Jesus thank You for Your Word. Thank You that it is our source and bread of life. May we feast on it more. May we use it everyday as our go to guide. Forgive us for taking it for granted. Amen