“I have tried my best to find you-don’t let me wander from your commands.” Psalm 119:10
What does it mean to really try? Do I try to be the best mom, wife, daughter, and child of God I can be, or do I make sure I AM being the best mom, wife, daughter, and child of God?
Maybe that is the same thing, but to me, it seems as though if I only attempt to try yet come up short then did I really try in the first place.
Maybe our intentions are good, but our follow through is not so good. So I wonder, is the intention good enough for God, or is it the follow through that matters the most?
When I wake up each morning and the Holy Spirit directs my thoughts to Jesus do I only ponder on the thought that says, make sure You read today, or do I follow through with that thought which is prompting me to go and actually spend time with Him in His word.
As I meditate on this verse each word stirs within me, leaving me asking myself, when I open up my Bible and begin to spend time with the Lord, am I doing it out of habit, and because it is what I should be doing, or am I doing it solely because He is EVERYTHING to me?
Then the groaning begins and I cry out to the Lord for revelation, clarity, and insight on what He sees within me. Am I merely trying to get by or do I really long to find more and more of Him?
Sometimes for me, trying is not enough, it is my follow through that counts.
Jesus You deserve more than just the intention or the mere thought of, “I will try.” You ask for nothing but our best, and You give nothing but Your absolute best to us. Jesus I am so thankful that You never said You would try to save us, but that You followed through and did save us. Thank You Father. Amen