Monday, September 16, 2013

Bringing Your Thoughts Into the "Light"

"Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure." Titus 1:15

There is a huge difference between thinking something and verbally expressing it. When we literally speak our thoughts out loud, or even write them down, it takes them to a whole new level.

They become exposed. And we need them to be.

As we grow in our relationship with Christ, we have to be able to communicate with Him. We need to verbally speak to Him.

Yes, Jesus already knows our thoughts, but brethren as we all know, good relationships come from good communication.

Therefore, we need speak out loud to the Lord. We do this through prayer. We can also write it. When we write we do what? We think and then put those thoughts on paper.

These steps are super important to cleaning out the excess. So with all that said, I have a few questions for you.

Now, just like I told my ladies in Sunday School, this will either be as good and beneficial as you make it.

It's your choice. You can begin the transformation and purging process or you can hoard those thoughts.

You will need to print this out so you can write out your answers. Answering them in your head defeats the purpose.

Bringing Your Thoughts Into The “Light”

1. Write down the top 5 thoughts that consume you the most.


2.  Do those thoughts align with the Word of God?

            If no, why?

3.  When you hear God tell you, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” What is your first thought?

4.  If I were to ask you to write down every thought you had in the last 20 minutes, how would those thoughts describe you?

5. How often do you think about yourself?

            1                                5                               10
        Rarely                   Quite Often                All The Time

6.  How often do you think about your past?

             1                                5                              10
        Rarely                   Quite Often                All The Time

7.  How often do you compare yourself to others?

         1                              5                                10
     Rarely                   Quite Often                All The Time

8.  Do you struggle believing the things God tells you?


9.  What thoughts consume you more, those of others and the world or God’s Word?

10. What do you fill your thoughts with?
            a. TV
            b. Internet
            c. Facebook
            d. Pinterest
            e. Lies
            d Work/money
            e. God’s Word
            f. Truth
            g. Love
            h. Joy

11. What things need to be removed in order for your thoughts to be transformed?

12.  What thoughts do you hoard the most?

13.  What thoughts do you need to relinquish?

14.  How much does your past affect your thoughts today?


15.  How does your thought-life affect your relationship with Christ?

16.  How long have you tried to change your thought-life?

17. What is the number one thought you struggle with? Write it on the stem of the tree. 
        -Then using the roots below, write the words that sprout from that thought.  
        -Once you have finished, evaluate the words you wrote. Then draw a heart around the whole thing. What does your heart look like filled with those words?

How can you allow the Lord to transform those thoughts into something beautiful and pure?

What will you choose to think on today?