"For forty days and 40 nights He ate nothing and became very hungry." Matthew 4:2
To be able to separate ourselves physically (flesh) and spiritually requires a great help from the Holy Spirit.
Jesus knows exactly what it is like to go without. He spent 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness.
Not only was He alone, tired, weak, hungry and thirsty, but He also endured the temptations Satan tried to throw at Him.
And despite all that, Jesus never gave in, He never quit and He never sinned.
This is just a glimpse of how amazing Christ is.
Not only that, but we now have Jesus within us.
If we could just take some time and draw deep into the well spring of His living water and allow it to nourish us, we would be able to display and live a life more like His. A selfLESS, rich, satisfying life that is able to overcome and deflect the fiery arrows Satan and the world shoots at us.
Let Matthew 4:1-11 encourage you to desire to live more and more with less of the things your flesh wants and more of what your soul desires, Jesus!
Be encouraged, Jesus overcame many things and because He lives within us, we can too!