Tuesday, February 21, 2012


"For God so loved the world." John 3:16

I place them each on their side of the bed and then lean down to kiss each one, when he whispers, "I love you so much mommy." It startles me. These words are frequent, valuable, and random. They are never wasted always treasured. There is something about the way he says them, always using the word so. It's as though without, so, it doesn't mean as much. And he some how knows that.

So did the Lord. He expressed that in John 3:16 "For God SO loved the world."

He so loved the world. He so loves you and me. There is power behind the word so, I learned that tonight, through two people I love SO much.

Jesus thank You for showing me that every word has great meaning. Thank You for teaching me through Dax and Your Word. Amen