Saturday, April 30, 2011

He is with us even in the valleys.

Today I am excited to introduce you to a featured writer for Godly Gossip. Ms. Ashleigh Duncan. She is a precious college student whom I absolutely love and adore. I know you will be as blessed by the words the Lord speaks through her as I have been.

Psalm 22-Please take a moment to read.

Oh, does this psalm ever describe me this week!! I'm having so many troubles with school and trying to find a job for at least the summer and all at the same time, working to study for and do well on my finals...overall, I know this isn't that big of a deal in most people's eyes but for me, I'm super stressed and wanting everything to fall into place now so that I can rest easy. I'm working to focus on the positive and keeping in mind that God is on my side so no one can win over me but it's something I'm struggling with about every few minutes. It seems we all do this from time to time. Things get tough, we hit those valleys and we think the shadows of the mountains hide us from view of God but this isn't true at all!! He has a reason for the valleys and He always uses them for good and as long as we lean on Him, we come out stronger and more in the shape of Christ than we were before. Looking back on our troubles, we see that maybe they weren't so bad after all, we understand why God put them in our paths. So, maybe you (and I) can't see why we're here now, but God will make it clear to us in His time. Lean on Him, let Him carry you, and the end will be here soon. I hope you all have a blessed day! Love you!!

In Christ,
Bridget Ashleigh

Today I am thankful for the support of my family and friends when I get into problematic issues, it's really nice to have people to hug me and then push me to make it through and to remind me that God is ever-present and has a plan.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7

As I watched the Royal Wedding, I honestly could not stop thinking about what our Royal Wedding will be like when Christ Jesus returns.

 It is going to be marvelous and more beautiful than I could ever imagine. We will be wearing the prettiest white gowns made possible by the blood of the Lamb. It is going to be the most joyful day. I can assure you, and instead of all the eyes being on the bride, they will be on the groom-Christ Himself.

And ladies He is a sight to see I am sure! His arrival will be known by all, as the trumpet sounds, and the clouds roll back He will make His entrance. What a royal wedding it will be!

Brethren, we have some preparation to do and time is valuable. 

Jesus I can't wait for the day of our wedding. I look forward to spending eternity with You. Amen

Thursday, April 28, 2011

He will be your strength-Let Him!

“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11

The desperation for healing floods her soul. She will go to any length to rewind the last 24 hours to when everything was okay. As she stands beside his bed broken, afraid and at the lowest point in her life, she cries out for His mercy. Mercy not for her, but for her baby who just hours earlier was not even breathing.

The fear of every mother has now become her reality and biggest nightmare. Every second that passes by she knows is one more second he is alive and with her. Though they say the odds are not good, somewhere deep down in the most vulnerable place that exists within her, is hope, is an understanding of His control, His presence and it sustains her, calms her, and allows her to just keep breathing.

There are no human words; there is no human touch that can comfort her breaking heart. Only One is capable of doing such a thing-Jesus.

Sweet Brandy He is ever so present and ever so aware of what each second is like for you, your family and Mason. He has not left your side nor will He ever leave your side. Grab a hold of Him sweet girl and hold on tight.

Let Him into the most fragile and broken part of you. Cling to His promises and trust that His will for baby Mason and you is nothing but the absolute best. Let Him quite the noise within you and reassure You of His love. Give Him your thoughts, cry out to Him your whys, how’s, what’s, and let Him whisper words to you that only He can.

Claim His healing power over baby Mason; we are doing that as well. I pray you know His healing power in whatever way, shape or form that it comes in, is better than what any of us could ever ask or hope for, even in moments like this when we just don’t get it or understand.

 Sweet girl every inch of that baby is covered in prayer. As you slip your hand on top of his, I pray you feel the hand of Christ on top of yours. He is your strength.

Jesus You are the Great Physician and today baby Mason needs Your healing touch to fall afresh on him. Let it fall all over him, Brandy and her family. As the hours pass by Lord the weariness sets in, grab a hold of them and pull them under Your wings. Give the internal rest they need Lord so they may be of sound mind standing guard against the attacks Satan will throw at them. Lift their heads and open their eyes so they can see Your face. Jesus I ask that You make Yourself known and present within their room and where Mason is right now. Let Your power be known. In Jesus name, Amen

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

From Dax


Mommy and daddy say you pray for me. I like that ALOT because I really don't like doctors. They poke me alot! I don't always feel good but I still like to play and do things I am not suppose to. Mommy gets frustrated with me, but I just like to explore and challenge her.

The doctor told me I was really smart and awesome and then he gave me stickers. I have gotten LOTS of stickers and suckers this last year. So when I go and they poke me I say to them, "You give me sticker and sucker?" 

This time the pokes really hurt and I tell them, "No more, all done!" Daddy says he wants to get my pokes for me. I want him to but they won't let him. I don't like that!

Even though the doctors know that my mutation is a disease (mild) they don't know what it is but I have a secret...

Jesus does and I really like Jesus, He tells me I am going to be okay, and He says to keep praying because He likes that too.

Oh, and mommy says I need to tell you thank you, because it means alot to have so many people love me. 

Dax's prayer: Dear Jesus thank You for wheldon, mommy, daddy, avery, ryry, hildoary, baby tyce, whive in my heart and make me feel better. Amen

Yes Weldon he said you before us! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Give or take

“Since God did not spare even his own Son but GAVE him up for us all, won’t God, who GAVE us Christ, also GIVE us everything else? Romans 8:32

Do you find yourself giving or taking more? This is the question the Lord asked me this morning that has haunted me. In a good and bad way, the good way is I asked Him to search me. The bad way, my eyes have been opened to the tough reality of what He has found, and that is, there is much needed change to take place. It’s a hard change too that comes with some tough questions.

Am I taking more from my marriage than I am giving?

Am I taking more from my job than I am giving?

 Am I taking more from my boys than I am giving?

Do I take more from my friendships than I give?

The toughest question-am I taking more from the Lord than I am giving?

That question alone leaves me broken, do I want the blessings, the fire insurance, the capability of using Him to better me ,  the help when needed, all while giving nothing in return?

We do that you know, you and I. We do it without even realizing how bad we do it. We take and even at times demand more from Him than we are even willing to give.

We get caught up in the rush of our days, making excuses for the little time we have, yet when we need something we stop not to give Him more but to ask more from Him.

Because I am guilty of doing that, I have found how much I do it in other areas of my life.  I don’t want my life to consist of; well if I do this I will GET this. Instead I want it to be, if I GIVE this, Jesus will receive this. It all comes down to remembering what Christ GAVE for me.

His life!

Not only did He give His life for me, but He took my shame and my sin upon Him, knowing full well that once it was placed on Him, His Father would not be able to look at Him. He took that period of separation from His Father all for ME and YOU. But before all of that, He left His Father in Heaven, He left His home, to come down here to earth to walk and die for me and for you.

 He deserves my life, my everything, I must put aside self, pick up my cross and give.

Oh, Father I asked for You to search me, it is just so hard to take at times the reality of what You see, but Lord no hindrances that is our deal, we want no hindrances to separate us, because the intimacy You and I have is just too good to miss. I know that You are doing Your part and I thank You for that, help me do mine. Forgive me for taking more than I give. Forgive me for even demanding it at times. I never want to take more from You than what I give in return. I want to give You all that You ask, my heart, soul, mind, and strength. You deserve that love! This is not about what I get when I do give; it is about giving because YOU GAVE! It is hard Father, putting aside the nagging of my needs that are relentless and giving anyway. I am just not capable of doing it alone. Holy Spirit help me, change me and transform me to become more of a giver! Jesus I know that when my eyes are set on You and my mind and heart is set on giving to You, that it will be displayed through what I give in my marriage, in the lives of my boys, my friendships, and my job. Doing those things is not for my satisfaction but for Yours. It is about what You get when I do out of love and not what I will receive for doing it. I lose sight of that way too quickly. Rescue me Jesus from “me” the me is a taker, but the You in me is a giver, make me like You today. Amen

Are You a giver or a taker?

Monday, April 25, 2011

It’s not my position to play

“She will not hinder him but help him all her life.” Proverbs 31:12

I examine the playing field to see what formation the defense is in. It is a tough team I am up against. They are quick off the ball and fast to tackle you. They are good at catching you off guard. They call themselves Feelings.

I have been studying them for a while so I know what to expect. The problem in this game is that I have been less prepared for their scheme.

I glance over to examine the chains. It is 3rd and 25, and I have a L-O-N-G way to go to get the 1st down. In my mind I know once I get there I will be that much closer to the end zone. For me this game consists of being a helper and team player and not an individual trying to do it all on her own.

Throughout this entire game I have almost joined the opposing team, by going against the plays my Coach (Jesus) has called.

I have feed into their defense like I was just handing them the ball. My O-Line (God’s word) has done a GREAT job at saving me.

I look at the Coach signal the play, I yell it out, SHE WILL NOT HINDER HIM BUT HELP HIM ALL HER LIFE, set hut hut.

I shuffle back, ball in hand, look to see who is open and there he is-Garrett standing past first down. He is open and waving for the ball when I realize the best defender is coming after me-bitterness-do I let him sack me and keep me down or do I pass to my teammate in life who is open. When out of the corner of my eye I see the center (Holy Spirit) plow bitterness over-and the next thing I know Garrett has caught the ball.

1st down!

Why all the bitterness? It is because I have tried to re-spell the word team, we have both tried to re-spell the word team-but no matter how many places you put the “I” it just doesn’t work.  Nor does trying to both be the MVP.  

It takes the whole team to be successful. Jesus chose us for His team and placed us in the positions we play the best. For me I play helper and encourager, but I have been trying to play quarterback.

That is Garrett’s position and the only reason I have been trying to play there is because of the attention I have been desperate to receive from him. As the helper we don’t always receive the ball and it gets old after a while. But if we remember that our role on the team is important and that it only matters what the coach (Jesus) thinks than we will become joyful, content and willing to be the best helper on the field. I am still learning that!

Sometimes I have found it easier to help the opposing team (others) than my own team.

But I have also found that with each game won and played as a team the victory is so sweet. I love the Quarterback of my team! So with that I know for him and me to be successful as a team I must be willing to play the position of helper whether I get the ball or attention I desire because it is what matters to the coach (Jesus). He is the one that decides how much playing time I get and whether I start or not.

If I want to be able to play a different position then I must first prove I can play the one I am in and have been given to play.

Hey QB we will get through this and with a lot more practice, give, effort, and a whole lot of TEAMWORK I think we will come out winners.

Jesus we need some wisdom from You the “Great” head coach. We are tired and in desperate need of a time out to catch our breath and come up with a new game plan. There is no greater coach than You. Thank You for choosing us to be a part of Your team. Forgive us for failing to work together we are learning there can be no “I“  in team no matter how hard we try. It is about working together, help us do that well. Amen

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We are lovin' our Risen Savior

Happy Resurrection Day

"All honor to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for it is by his boundless mercy that God has given us the privilege of being born again. Now we live with a wonderful expectation because Jesus Christ rose again from the dead." 1 Peter 1:3

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The fruits of His word

"She will not hinder him (them) but help him (them) all her life." Proverbs 31:12

Dax and I were going across the street to see our uncle Ryry when Dax took off in the street and I yelled for him to come back. He turned around ran back to me, I picked him up and he says, "Mommy I have Jesus in my heart, I be okay, no car hit me."

My boys have really been opening my eyes to see how much Jesus is working in them. 

The other night Avery had gotten my Bible and notebook put it on the bed and when I walked in there he said, "Look mommy I got our Bibles and papers so we can study together. You want to mommy? You want to study?"

So together we studied, he wrote, I wrote, then we visited. It was probably one of my favorite moments.

"Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again. Tie them to your hands as a reminder, and wear them on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9

If the fruit is produced in them it will also be produced through them. 

Jesus let all my labor produce Your fruit in Avery and Dax. Thank You for the interest, hunger and love that is growing in the hearts of our boys. I love watching the seed begin to sprout into beautiful fruit. Thank You Jesus! Amen

Friday, April 22, 2011

He's not there!

"Then Jesus told him, You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who haven't seen me and believe anyway." John 20:29

He walked on the same earth we walk on today. He was seen by people just like you and me. Men and women just like us got to walk side by side with Jesus in flesh. There is just something about that thought that leaves me in awe.

These people heard Him speak; they felt His actual touch and presence. They got to sit at a table and eat with Him, laugh with Him, learn directly from Him. 

And, oh wait it gets better, they not only got to see and be a part of all that, but they saw His death, they saw Him buried, and the greatest of all they saw Him raised from the dead. Do you know how much of Jesus time they got? Goodness me-What my eyes would do to see that. One day they will see Jesus and what a glorious day that will be.

Jesus' resurrection fulfilled Scripture-it was proof that He was who He said He was, the Son of God, and that He would do what He said He would-rise from the dead. "For I, the Son of Man, must suffer many terrible things, he said,. I will be rejected by the leaders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. I will be killed, but three days later I will be raised from the dead." Luke 9: 22

And indeed He rose! And He proved it by appearing before many.

The Son of God is ALIVE-Jesus has RISEN-hurry go and tell everyone-the tomb is EMPTY. 

You have risen, You have risen, and You reign forevermore. You are among us, in us, and all around us. Hallelujah our God reigns. Praise You Father, Praise You for overcoming death so we may have life. Amen

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hungry to learn

"My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those who want to learn.” Proverbs 8:9
It is so unbelievable to me how much wiser our children are then we think, spiritually speaking. What is more amazing is how hungry Avery has become for the word of God. He wants to learn and I LOVE IT!!!! 

This week the boys and I have been reading through the Gospels and studying the significance of Easter and Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. It has been so amazing to me to see just how much they really do understand God's word. 

For example just last night we finished up reading John 20 and I began asking them why it was important for Jesus to rise from the dead, and Avery says, "So he can live in our hearts mommy, duh."


If I do nothing else in this life, to know my boys love God and His word is enough for me.

Jesus it is amazing what Your word does even in the lives of children. Thank You for allowing us the opportunity and ability to share the word of God with these precious babies who will one day be able to share Your word with others, even their own. Continue to fill Avery and Dax with wisdom beyond their years. May they truly grasp the meaning of Your death, burial, and resurrection. May we all grasp the meaning and significance of it. Jesus make us all hungry to learn. Amen

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Love will prevail

"She will not hinder him but help him all her life." Proverbs 31:12

How do u get past the point of exhaustion to meet the needs he has without wanting your own needs to be seen, heard, and tended to?

Ladies, this is where we get at times, this is where i get and to deny that is lying to ourselves, to God, and others. 

The woman spoken of in 1 Peter 3 was a woman who went past her feelings and helped. She went past focusing on herself and focused on his needs. 

She did it because her focus was on something better than what was before her-yes there is something and someone better-Jesus!

If my eyes are not focused on Christ but on this man standing before me I can't see past the exhaustion and beckoning of my needs to help him

Those two things are too loud and too big that they block my vision and drowned out the sound of the Holy Spirit encouraging me, guiding me and speaking words of wisdom within me.

This is where I am ladies! I am seeking to be a helper who inspires her hubby to want more of Jesus-but right now I am dealing with these two giants before me-exhaustion and the hunger pains coming from my needs.

Love reaches past those giants; it destroys them leaving them for dead so that it can prevail. 

Sincere, genuine love gets you past the hindering and aids in helping. So I must stay in check with that love to make sure it is sincere and genuine for Christ and not for me or for him.

Jesus went beyond exhaustion and the beckoning of His needs for me. I see that especially this week as we study His death, burial, and resurrection.

He went past it and so can I, so can you. 

Love prevailed! 

Jesus You set the perfect example and how amazing it was. Thank You for making life possible, marriage possible, healing possible. Amen

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I can do this...we can do this!

"She will not hinder him but help him all her life." Proverbs 31:12

A sick baby, a new job, a new time consuming job, a move, and two very tired individuals is just enough ammo for Satan to use to cause havoc. 

We are fighting, yes with each other but also together to overcome this TRIAL. 

I know there is victory awaiting, I know there is something GREAT awaiting us at the end of all this and I am ready.

But right now the "knows" are just not enough, I am needing more Lord. 

I am needing deliverance, help, strength, and reassurance. Help me not doubt Lord. Jesus I am weak, but You are strong.

Just bring us on the other side of this stronger and wiser Lord. As bad as all this is I love You and want nothing more than to grow wiser and closer to You. So at the end I know it is worth it, and so very temporary.

Monday, April 18, 2011

This is not His design

“She will not hinder him but help him all her life.” Proverbs 31:12

What is an ideal marriage? I am not sure, but I am sure God did not design a marriage to be lived with unhappiness. I don’t think He designed women to be the helpers but never be helped.

 I wonder today what Adam and Eve’s marriage was like after their eyes were opened. What did she do all day, what hours did he work. What was their relationship really like? Did they fight? Did they have more good days than bad? What was their marriage like when Cain killed Abel?

Did it bring stress to their marriage? Did they ever go to bed angry? What was dinner time like? Did they have their priorities lined up?

I wonder if during arguments Adam brought up Eve eating the forbidden fruit? Did she say, “Well so did you?”

Was there ever a moment when one of them thought, “I just don’t want to do this marriage thing anymore?”

None of those questions to me would result in an ideal marriage, but more like a normal marriage today? Unfortunately!

God, the loving, kind, merciful God He is, did not design marriage to be full of bickering, frustration, stress, loneliness, angry, or helplessness.

The problem is we have created that type of marriage for ourselves. It is when two “SELVES” collide
I am trying to avoid that for my own marriage, but lately it seems impossible. If I am truly honest before the Lord, myself and you, I would admit that today I don’t want to be the helper, but the Holy Spirit inside reminds me differently. He gives me the strength to push through the stress, the frustration, the anger, and He reminds me of the love of Jesus. He is my very need, yet inside, I long for more than the thought.

I want more understanding of how a marriage is to be according to His word, His law. He wants more from us, from me.Then again, I know it comes down to love, love for others. It cannot work if the love is always directed inward. Is it okay to want more out of my marriage than the norm, if this is even the norm?

Oh, merciful Lord, Your helper is weary, tired, frustrated, and helpless, even helped-out. Show us Lord how You designed marriage to be.  Then guide us, change us, and help us conform to Your design. Because I know it is way better than the one we have designed for ourselves. Amen

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Serving HIM by helping him

"She will not hinder him but help him all her life." Proverbs 31:12

The craziest thing entered my mind today. I decided to print off the list of questions I asked the ladies Friday and give to my husband.

I did it hoping to walk away with a better understanding of how he feels, thinks, and what he sees so I could know how to better meet his needs.

Here is the funny part...I am too scared to give it to him!

Why? Fear of facing the truth. Fear of coming up way short. Fear of failing. I even fear becoming defensive or needing to argue my point.


I want to know the truth, I want to know how I can become better, better for Jesus, better for him, and better for my boys. I don't want this to be a temporary goal of mine. I want it to be a life-long goal.

For me being a better helper is crucial. Everything I do is an example to my boys; how I treat Garrett, how I speak to Garrett, how I encourage Garrett, how I help Garrett, how I submit to Garrett, how I show respect to Garrett etc. They see, watch, and learn from my behavior. It even goes so far as to what they will desire in their future wives and marriage.

Being the helper God designed me to be begins with Garrett and extends to my boys. I have a huge role here, and it is to take care of what God has given me that is most important-my family. It is not about having my needs and desires met, it is about producing a love for Jesus in their individuals lives and in the home by what? By my actions, my speech, and by being the helper God has called me to be. That is my purpose.

So it is time to move past the fear and become a better helper. Let the answers be revealed.

I am looking and praying for a group of women who would be interested in praying for one another and encouraging one another each week as we strive to fulfill Proverbs 31:12.

Jesus would You minister to the heart of every woman today. Help us become the helper You designed us to be for our husbands and children. Bring together a group of us women who will encourage, pray, and support one another as we strive to fulfill Proverbs 31:12. Jesus we desire to be helpers not hinderer's. Amen

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dax Update

"This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other equally. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. Now all of you together are Christ's body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it" 1 Corinthians 12:25-27

First of all I have to say how taken back I am by the emails I receive from each of you that you are praying and thinking of Dax. It is amazing to know how loved that precious little thing is. It is even more amazing to know just how many of you are lifting him up in prayer to our Savior. We have truly seen 1 Corinthians 12:25-27 lived out by each of you.

Okay, here it goes.

Two months ago Dax was tested for Cystic Fibrosis and last Friday we received the results. Every time the phone rings and it is the Doctor I think both of our hearts skip a beat. He has been a PHENOMNAL DOCTOR and has really taken Dax under his wing, which we are so thankful for. So to hear the actual doctor himself and not the nurse is always bittersweet.

The last several times he has called us it is because they have found something. The cyst on his brain, the nasty bacteria that was growing in his face and now…

Well now we have found out that Dax’s test results show that he is a carrier of C.F. plus he has an uncommon mutation that is found in only 2% of people.

So what does all of this mean? Well it means some more tests for our little Dax Master, plus some symptoms that might, okay will appear later on in life for him.

And although I would like to share some of those things with you, I am going to just leave it at that for right now. We have decided as a family that it would be better for Dax and us if we kept them private. At least until we hear more from the Doctor and are sure of what will be ahead of us as far as his health.

But please keep praying. Your prayers are what get us through this and what is getting our little man through every poke, test, procedure, etc.

It is wild because just the other day I was talking to my dad and for some crazy reason it really just hit me that our baby is only 2.

Oh, how thankful I am to serve such a Mighty, Loving God and to be surrounded by all of you. We know God will heal Dax and we are standing firm in that promise.

Jesus thank You for surrounding us with brothers and sisters that we know and don’t know that are praying for Dax. Bless each one of them, You know them by name. Amen

Friday, April 15, 2011

Come on Sisters, help this sister out!

“Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words. They will be won over by watching your pure, godly behavior.” 1 Peter 3:1-2

Okay ladies, I am looking for some feedback from you! So, let me hear ya. If you don't want to leave it in the comments, email me at

What is your role as a helper to your mate? If you are not married what is your role as a helper to the Lord and to your future husband?

Do you find yourself being more than the helper?

How do you handle your God-given role as a wife?

Do you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with all your responsibilities?

Do you find yourself looking through your husband to Christ and serving Him, or do you just see your husband?

Are you strong in areas he is weak? How do you help him in those areas?

Do you find yourself being a controlling helper?

Do you find joy in your role as a helper?

Do you find yourself depleted of joy as his helper?

What keeps you going?

What motivates you to keep being His helper?

What is your goal as his helper?

What are some things you have found to be helpful for you that you could share with your sisters in Christ?

Has there been anything that God has taught or shown you to become a better helper? PLEASE SHARE

What has God done in your marriage that has made a difference?


How are you applying and living out 1 Peter 3:1-6-

“In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands, even those who refuse to accept the Good News. Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words. They will be won over by watching your pure, godly behavior. Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. That is the way the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They trusted God and accepted the authority of their husbands. For instance, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham, when she called him her master. You are her daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands might do.” 1 Peter 3:1-6

Jesus help us become better helpers. Change our vision to see past our husbands straight to You. May we always remember it is You we are helping and serving. Help us find joy in our role as a wife. When times get tough and the demands of our roles become overwhelming and too heavy to bear, would You lift us up beneath the load, and remind us that we are not doing this alone-You are with us. Amen

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In Effect

"Show mercy to those whose faith is wavering,. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. There are still others to whom you need to show mercy, but be careful that you aren't contaminated by their sins." Jude 1:22-23

I saw this sign several times this morning and the first time I saw it, I thought it was a perfect picture of what our mission should be. Ensuring others are aware of the fire that awaits if Jesus is not Lord and Savior of their lives.

We can do this Brethren-together as a body of believers, in love with Jesus; we can make sure these words apply to all who are lost. Let's keep the "fire" from spreading, but let's also be careful to not get burned by the fire either.

Jesus our mission to spread Your name will not end until You call us home. Use us Precious Savior to ensure that as many people as possible are safe from the fire. Amen

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Did you know?

"There is salvation in no one else! There is no other name in all of heaven for people to call on to save them." Acts 4:12

May I just say how LOVED you are by the Lord.

May I just say how ADORED you are by the Lord.

May I just say how FORGIVEN you are because of the Lord.

May I just say how much MERCY you are given daily by the Lord.

May I just say how much your FRIENDSHIP means to the Lord

May I just say how much you are DESIRED by the Lord.

May I encourage you today to BELIEVE in the Lord?

May I urge you today to BELIEVE in His amazing promises?

May I ask you to READ those promises and love letters for yourself?

May I just say how MIGHTY our Lord is and that there is no other name in all of heaven or earth as GREAT has His.

There is no other being in all of this world that can do for you what Christ did. There is no other being in all of this world that will give you all that Christ has given you and will give you. Oh, that we would grow to understand the greatness of Christ. That we would cling to every word He has spoken, and that we would believe with every ounce of us all that He has promised us.

He is more than what our minds can comprehend. He is more precious, valuable, and needed than we could ever begin to understand. He is more HOLY than we can even grasp.

He is just so BIG, so ABLE, and so WILLING to do more for us than what we could ever dare to ask, hope for, or even think.

Can I ask you to make Him your EVERYTHING?

Jesus my mind is unable to even put into words how magnificent You are. Thank You, thank You for being that BIG, that Mighty, that Holy, that Perfect, and for being my Everlasting Father, Savior, Redeemer, Counselor, and Prince of Peace. Amen

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Minimizing "Me" and Magnifying Him

"And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17

Yes, yes, yes we need to be able to talk about what we are going through, our celebrations, our struggles, our sorrows...BUT!

When those conversations are constantly centered on SELF and not on God, I think we begin to exalt our SELF, focus more on our SELF and take the spot light off of Christ and place it on our SELF.

We are attention-needing people and we make it known. Think about all the things that have been created so we can feed the attention self needs- Blogging, Facebook, twitter, email, TV, plastic surgery, products to look younger, how to lose weight, our clothes, bigger houses, cars, our jobs etc.

 Please understand I am not saying these things are wrong.  I am saying if they consume you, and you spend more time focusing on them then you do on Christ...well yes I believe it is wrong!

The more I study the word of God, the more I realize how little Christ focused on His actual "self." Every word Christ spoke, every action, every miracle, even His every thought was placed on His Father.

"Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I say are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of what you have seen me do." John 14:10-11

Jesus never spent His time talking about "self" instead He talked about what was most important, our faith in Him. Brethren, if anyone should talk about themselves it is definitely the Creator.

Here is what I am learning. Maybe if we spent more time actually talking about Jesus and His word and less about ourselves, maybe, just maybe more lives would be impacted for Christ.

I remember having the conversation with Brother Tilley about starting a blog for my writing, the thought kept running through my head, "As long as it does not become about me."

I have been down that road with Facebook. It started out specifically for our college Sunday School class and ended up being about me. God shut that down! The conviction was strong and He was relentless, thus ending it in a way I never expected. But I obeyed and am glad I did, otherwise I would probably still be focusing on the "me."

Today it seems as though everything is starting to involve more and more of the "me" in us, and less and less about the Lord.

We have to be willing to give up things that take the place of the Lord; whether it be blogging, email, Facebook, twitter, where we place our attention, or even adjusting our speech so our conversations don't revolve around ourselves.

I just wonder how we can live out Colossians 3:1-2; 17 if we are always talking about ourselves and throwing God in there every now and then. vs 1-2, "Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God's right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts. (We can't do that if we are always thinking about ourselves) Do not think only about things down here on earth."

Whether we accept it or not, when we spend more time talking about ourselves and placing the attention on ourselves through our actions and speech, we are minimizing the Lord and magnifying the "ME"

Seriously, I am trying to figure out why we don't talk about Jesus more and ourselves less. I mean if you really  think about it, our lives are not at all as cool or as exciting as Christ's life!

Hearing and talking about Jesus never gets old and something good ALWAYS comes from His name!

Talking about "you" just gets old and people don't get to know Jesus when we talk about our SELF!

So whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all while giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

A good way to evaluate if you are self- focused is what you spend a lot of time doing and what you post, write, email, blog, your actions and how your conversations are with others.

Jesus You should be the topic of conversation 24/7! You should be what we think about 24/7. Hasten the day Lord when you return and it is all about You for eternity. Amen

Monday, April 11, 2011

What's your choice?

"Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your principals." Psalm 119:12

I have come to understand the difference between circumstances I cannot control and circumstances I can control.

A big circumstance Garret nor I have been able to control is the health of our two year old, Dax. 

Though the last year has dealt us many difficult circumstances, we by the Grace of God have had the opportunity to deal with these circumstances in a positive or negative manner. God has given us that freedom. He allows us to determine what our attitude will be as each new trial approaches.

As we face another difficult phone call from the doctor regarding Dax's test results, we know, though we cannot control it, God can! 

God controls all things; including Dax's sickness and healing.

Just this weekend Garrett looked at me and said,"Does this not upset or bother you (the test results)?"

My reply, "No not really, it's not cancer and it's way better than Hell!"

Garrett's response laughter! 

I cannot control life, sickness, or death. But I CAN choose to control how I handle each. 

And I plan on handling them just as Jesus did, (well at least the best I can) with joy, trust, faith, and the confidence in knowing that my God is able and in control. 

He works all things out for the good of those who love Him, and this is one sister that loves Him and claims that promise over this uncontrolled circumstance! 

What circumstance do you find yourself in today? 

Jesus I have not always chose to handle difficult circumstances with grace and dignity, but today I CHOOSE to do so! Amen

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lead us Lord, we are following You!

"Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your principals." Psalm 119:12

Jesus today we begin the search for our new church home. Keep us from comparing, open our hearts and our eyes to see where You need and want us to serve. Lord we want to be where You are and where Your word is spoken. Reveal Yourself to us today. Just as the disciples left everything and followed You, we too have left the comforts of our church home to follow You. We are excited for this new journey with You, and with all those we meet along the way. Use us Lord for Your glory alone. Amen

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A new birthday celebration!

31 years ago the Lord placed me in the arms of a woman and a man for whom He entrusted my life and care into. 

He picked them out specifically for me-knowing they would be the perfect earthly parents one of His own children could have until they (I) return to Him again. 

He knew upon my arrival the importance He would need to be in their lives individually, together, and as parents once again for the third time.

Oh how important He was, is and will always be. 

Not only did the Lord place me into the arms of this man and woman 31 years ago, but He placed me in the arms of two sets of grandparents who left an imprint of the meaning of for better or worse, till death do us part, as they both celebrated 50 years of marriage!


Today I am blessed to have a mom and dad who love the Lord, love one another, and love me. 

Today I do not celebrate me, I celebrate them! It is because of them I have made it 31 years. It is because of them that in these 31 years, I have seen the reflection of the one for whom I am madly in love with today-Jesus. 

And it is all because this man, my daddy, and this woman, my mama-made Jesus, Lord of their lives, their marriage, and our home. 

So today I celebrate not me, but them! Today I celebrate Christ and the love relationship we have. 

Today I celebrate because the Lord has picked Garrett and I out specifically for Avery and Dax. It is now our turn to instill, reflect, and build our home around Christ Jesus. 

Mom and Dad I could not be more honored to have been placed in your arms 31 years ago. Today I celebrate you and the love you have for the Lord. 

Daddy, one time you told me you and mama's only job was to ensure your girls went to heaven, well you have done that very job and you have done it well!

Today I want to give you both the gift of vowing to do the same thing with my boys! 

Thank You! Today I am not celebrating turning 31, I am celebrating 19 years of being a child of God-because of you two! 

Kisses sweet things, 


Friday, April 8, 2011

how deep is it?

"Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your principals." Psalm 119:12

To be able to look at the face of one less fortunate and see Jesus-powerful

To be able to look at the face of a friend who has hurt you and see the blood of Jesus-freedom

To be able to look at the face of an addict and see Jesus through the mess-breath taking

To be able to look at the face of a murderer and see Jesus' scarred hands-mercy

To be able to look at the face of the one who rejects Jesus and see His love for them-grace

To be able to look at the face of the one living in sin and see Christ on the cross-hope

To be able to look at the reflection starring back at you and see the eyes of Jesus-Life changing

How deep does your vision go?

Jesus align my vision with Yours. Mine has a tendency to be shallow making me miss the greatness of Your love and mercy. Amen

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How do you spend your 24 hours?

"Blessed are you, O Lord; teach mr your principals." Psalm 119:12

At the end of the day when the busyness of life settles down, what do I have to show for with time given to me within the 24 hour period?

Did I use part of that time with the Lord?

Did I use another portion serving others?

Did I use a bit of that time investing in the life of my boys-learning more about them, their likes and dislikes?

From time to time did I stop to just say, "Thank You Jesus."

Did I use some time to tell some about Jesus or encourage them through His word?

Did I spend time praying for those who are hurting, sick, or just in need of prayer?

Or have I have gone a million miles an hour being so caught up in things that don't really matter that much but please me or please someone other than God?

What do I do with the time I am given?

What have I done with it for the past 31 years that I need to do better these next however many years I have left?

Time is fleeting and we never get it back nor do we get back the days we missed being in his word, sharing His word, loving, encouraging and teaching our children the word.

We beg for more time but we don't even make use of the time we are given!

Jesus don't let me waste another day filling it with junk or busyness. Help me make the most of each day and the time I have left. May each day be spent investing in You and in others. Keep me from being wasteful. Thank You for the time You are going to give me and forgive me for the time I wasted on myself. Amen

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What makes you blessed?

"Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your principals." Psalm 119:12

What does the word blessed mean to you? According to God's word it means happy or wonderful, praiseworthy; bringing pleasure or divine power.

All of which describe the Lord just as the Author expressed in this passage.

Happy are You, O Lord. Wonderful are You, O Lord.
Praiseworthy are You, O Lord. You bring pleasure through Your divine power, O Lord.

Blessed indeed is He!

The word blessed means way more to me today than yesterday.

Today the only thing that makes me blessed is Christ in me. His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness. That is why I am blessed.

It is not the materialistic things or the pleasures here on earth-it His sacrifice and love alone that allows me to even use the word blessed.

Jesus You are the reason I am blessed. What You did for me truly blesses me. I am forever, literally forever thankful because of Your amazing love. Amen

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What role does He play in your life?

"Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your principals." Psalm 119:12

What role does Jesus play in your life and in mine?

Is He our insurance agent-who is used only to keep us safe from the fire?

Is He our personal agent-used only to serve the desires and needs of our self?

Is He our on call doctor-used only when serious illness strikes?

Is He our secret weapon for our political campaign-used only to make ourselves look good and gain the votes of others.

Is He mentioned in conversation-only so we can sound like a Christian-yet not walk the walk?

Do we enter His throne room-only when a crisis strikes?

Is He the president of red-cross-used only when a need arises?

Is He Our friend-only when we need something or need some company? 


Is He our Savior, Redeemer, lover, and friend? Is He our source of life, our daily bread? Is He the One and Only thing that matters more to us than our families, our selves, our careers, our breath? 

What is Jesus' role in your life?

Jesus You are the very reason we exist. You are more than what we make of You. You are the Creator and the Bread of Life. You are the Inventor of healing, of hope, help, and You are far more important than to be used just so we can look or sound good from a humans perspective. Forgive us for shrinking Your holiness down in order to please the self in us. Reveal just how Holy, powerful, mighty, and amazing You really are. Amen

Monday, April 4, 2011

What do you think about?

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

I am a thinker, I am constantly thinking about something. At times my thoughts can become so consuming they drive me CRAZY! 

I must say it can get so bad at times that I begin thinking about what I am thinking about and I begin analyzing every thought. How crazy is that?

I do this especially when it comes to studying the word of God. 

If you don't now this about me-I LOVE studying God's word! If I could, I would be a forever lifelong student of God's word. I mean like the type of student that does nothing but study His word ALL day everyday. I love the deep theological stuff!!! 

I must add that was one of my favorite things about Brother Collins was how deep he would get in God's word. I see that in his grandson Ryan when I hear him preach! 

I will confess reading and studying the word is probably my hobby! 

But God does not want me to just sit isolated forever studying His word. He wants me to go out and share that word and live out that word. 

And boy do I love TALKING about Jesus-I think it drives my family crazy but I think they secretly like to do it too. 

So how do I overcome analyzing every thought when study? Well for a while, God love Him, I would call the MOST amazing mentor- Brother Tilley and we would chat, email, or set up meetings just to talk about those thoughts of Gods word that I was thinking about. 

Those are great times because He knows Him some Jesus, and He just so happens to be madly in love with Jesus and His word.

Do you know that it has taken me awhile to learn that it is okay to be consumed with thoughts of God's word? I mean brethren He did give us 66 books didn't He? 

He even made it to where each passage has a cross reference so we can analyze and know His word even more.

Isn't that so great? Do you know what else is great?  The more I hide His word in my heart and the more I am thinking about His word, means the more His word is entering every part of me making me become more and more like Him. That's great stuff!

So tell me brethren, what do you think about? 

Lord Jesus consume our thoughts. We want to think more about You and serving You than we think about anything else. Amen



Sunday, April 3, 2011

Because of Him...for YOU

I have had so many of you precious brothers and sisters ask if Godly Gossip will continue since I have moved and the answer is YES! That is the great thing about technology!

My writing will continue as long as the Lord continues to speak through me.

I want each of you to know how wonderful it is to serve you through Godly Gossip.

I hope to continue spreading God's word from person to person so that all people will have the opportunity to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

So thank You for being apart of such a wonderful calling.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


" I have hidden your word in my heart that I might nit sin against you." Psalm 119:11

I have known for sometime now that we would be moving has it became the reality instead of the thought it once was? 

"You should be use to this by now, always moving, why are you so taken off guard by this reality?" I ask myself. And then I look up and see the faces of these women that have become my best friends, my
accountability and my go to let's talk Jesus girls. 

And I know why I am taken back and caught off guard. I am leaving these precious girlfriends and a Church that have stolen a piece of my heart. 

So I weep, I weep because that piece is gone, not broken or injured, just left behind, and I weep not with sadness, but with joy and anticipation, because I know God has called us to our new mission field. 

As I ponder on my situation and that of Jesus, a sense of peace and calmness come over me. For I know that when Jesus was here He kept on moving. He moved from town to town knowing that with each stop He would have the opportunity to bring others to Him. 

He did it because He is love, He did it because He was called to, He did it to glorify His Father.

So I too will continue to move to glorify Him, to be used by Him, and because I love the One who is love who had no home nor a place to lay His head.

Jesus thank You for setting the path for me and my family to follow. Thank You for using us to spread Your word. I  look forward to seeing all the amazing things You have planned for us here. Amen

Friday, April 1, 2011

What protection do you use?

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11

How has God's word kept you from sinning? In those moments of temptation how did His word protect You? Did you act on it or as I like to say, "Did you just plow through the Holy Spirit" and do what your flesh wanted?

What was the passage or passages that helped you?

Please share with us!!

Jesus not only do You protect us Yourself but You give us double the protection with Your word. Thank You! May we never stray from that protection. Amen