“Then I will not be disgraced when I compare my life with your commands.” Psalm 119:6
What causes us to compare ourselves to others? The Author of this Psalm makes a very profound statement here when he says, when I compare my life WITH YOUR commands.
Notice he referred to Christ, not another human being. We so often get caught up in looking at the lives of others and assuming they have it better, or are more successful, prettier, thinner, happier, healthier, smarter, funnier, grounded, more godly, etc. When in reality they are also struggling with the same thing and might even have it way worse than we do.
There is only one place where the grass is truly greener on the other side, and that is on Christ’s side. He is the only one who is perfect, prettier, healthier, smarter, happier, funnier, grounded, and the godliest. He is the one we should be comparing our lives to.
Yet we refuse to do so, why?
Notice your behavior next time you start comparing your life to someone else. What happens to your attitude-for most they become negative, angry, resentful, and even jealous. In doing that we are telling the Lord we are not pleased with how He made us. To those who see our attitude when in this state, see a reflection of a self-focused person instead of a Christ centered person.
God did make or design us to be like others, no, He designed and patterned us to be like Him. “Then God said, ‘Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life-the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals. So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself, male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26-27
God patterned each of us after Himself. He created each individual to be just that, an individual, not a duplicate, even a twin is not the exact same as his/her twin, whether identical or not. We can desire, wish, try, and even mimic the life of someone else, but we will ALWAYS come up short.
When I started comparing myself with Christ I began to write out all of His qualities.
Jesus is: Perfect, Holy, Joyful, Loving, Beautiful, Peaceful, Gracious, Magnificent, Abounding, Humble, Strong, Everlasting, Merciful, Forgiving, Powerful, Giving, Healing, Savior, Wise, Secure, Confident, Slow to Anger, Gentle, Patient, Self-Controlled, Full of praise, Consistent, etc.
A Human is: ever-changing, temporary, limited, sinful, weak, cannot heal, failing, insecure, etc.
There is just no comparison between us and the Lord-so why do we get so caught up in comparing our lives with the lives of others? It really is so silly to compare our life to anyone other than Christ Himself. I mean look back up at His qualities compared to the qualities of another human.
When we compare our life with His commands it allows us to see how big our God is and how much more we need His grace and mercy. When we begin to pattern our life after His qualities we begin to realize there is no disgrace, shame, failure, heartache, or frustration because we are striving to be like the Most Holy God.
That is worth comparing our life to. It also brings great satisfaction, peace, and sets our eyes on a whole new perspective.
Next time you begin to compare, ask yourself if they have what Christ has. Do you want their sin, baggage, hurt, sorrows, failures, or do you want Christ’s perfection, holiness, beauty etc.
Prayer: Lord Jesus I was patterned after You-the most Perfect and Holy God. What an absolute honor! May I set my eyes on You and not lower them to the world. You are who I want to compare my life to; I want to be just like YOU! Humans have too many failures, but You Lord have none! Praise You Jesus! Amen