"He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need there is." Acts 17:25
Do you believe in Jesus? Have you accepted Him as your personal Lord and Savior? Then you my brother and sister have the most important need in your life met!
Do you know that Jesus is the ONLY thing that you need? If you are saying yes, then live as though He is all you need? He is the one that gives life and breath, He is the one that allows you to wake up each new day, and to be covered in His mercy, love, and grace, which without those you are a dead man walking.
Why do we think we always need more, why do we not live on Jesus alone? We can overcome this sick epidemic of worldliness! The medicine for it is Jesus; there is no generic brand of Him!
He knows we hurt, He knows our sickness, He knows our brokenness, and He supplies the need to manage each of those.
As long as we are here on earth, God WILL supply our every need each day, until He calls us home!
So we must stop wanting more of the worldly possessions that are so temporary and moment pleasing. If you think you want something to the extinct of needing it, let it be more of Jesus! When you pray, praise God who daily supplies your very needs.
Our only need is to believe, accept, and have a personal relationship with the very God that promises us that He WILL satisfy our needs.
Do we need healing, physical No, spiritual YES, do we need food and water-to live yes, to have life, NO! We need Jesus and Jesus alone, for then we will receive healing, and any need He sees fit for us.
Prayer: Jesus forgive us for wanting more of the very things that will never satisfy, heal, or save us. Jesus we praise You, oh we praise You so much for the true need of Your mercy, love, and grace, thank You for supplying it each and every day. May our hearts change to have a want and need for more of You. Amen!