It was one of those days when the focus became on me and all the things the world and Satan say I am not.
What usually comes with that, is a whole lot of self-doubt, complaining, poor pitiful me parties, comparing, and the huge urge to just quit.
Have you ever been there?
It is a miserable day, and not just for you, but for your family, and for any other poor soul you drug into it.
So as I went through the entire day complaining to the Lord, feeling sorry for myself, comparing myself to her and her and her, I laid on the bed next to my hubby, and unloaded {I will spare you the details, it was a hot mess!}
After one hour of my sweet man listening, quoting Scripture, encouraging me, and challenging me, The Lord rose up and made Himself within me very clear.
We all have a purpose and a reason for our existence. To please, glorify, and honor God. To be faithful no matter how hard, how lonely, or how different we are.
And when we focus on ourselves and try to create our own purpose, we are trying to re-invent God's purpose.
And that is just plain crazy. So while I get it now, I want to hold onto it. I want to find joy in being me, the God-loving, black and white, crazy about Jesus, craft- challenged, desperate for His daily grace, me.
The me that He created, because we all know, when we try to create our own me, misery, doubt, discouragement, and unhappiness ALWAYS follow.
It's okay to be you. So be you, focus on Jesus, and remember, your purpose is to please Him, not you.
Jesus thank You for making me so wonderfully complex and unique. May I fulfill Your purpose and stop trying to fulfill my own. Amen