"When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going." John 13:3-4
His love for life was contagious. He could always make you smile with his funny jokes and silly quirks. But it was not those two things I loved the most. It was the love he had for a woman who stole his heart, six kids, and over a dozen grandkids and great grandkids.
It was his servant’s heart and his big gulps that captured my heart. He spent a majority of my growing up life traveling hand and hand with the love of his life to basketball games, graduations, births, birthdays, and just causes.
He would brighten your day with the sweetness of his divinity, and put fire in your belly with his fire hot cinnamon suckers made in all kinds of shapes.
His love for people was so natural. It didn’t matter who you were, if you needed an ear…his was there. If you needed a family…he opened his. If you needed comfort…his arms could wrap twice around you. If you needed help…he always provided a hand.
His greatest joys in life came every Christmas when dozens of people would flood his home. He would do the entertaining and she would cook the best biscuits and gravy in the county. His lap was big enough to seat as many of his own kids and their kids that could squeeze up there.
He showed my mom, her brothers, and her sisters what it meant to be a family. It was to love, to be there for each other no matter what, where, when, or why. I too have been blessed to have learned that from him and am now passing that on to my own family.
This man was a walking display of gentleness, kindness, and peace loving. He fought hard for the things he believed in and he fought hard for the people he loved.
Beyond all of that, this man taught and showed me what unconditionally love looked like. And it came at a time when the Lord knew I needed to see it the most. Almost six years ago when the woman who could make him madder than mad and happier than happy became ill, he never left her side. Literally! He never showed anger, frustration, weakness, or tiredness. Only unconditional Jesus type love.
I will never forget there in the hospital, in a bed made for one was a woman short and petite cradled in the arms of a six foot 3 man. It didn’t matter then nor did it matter ever before he was always holding her hand.
On August 21, 2010 this man known as my “Papa” has gone to the place I long to go and is standing in the presence of the one I can’t wait to meet. He is now hand in hand with Christ alone.
He is no longer tired nor weak, sick nor hungry. He now is joyful and complete, walking down the streets of gold singing and praising the one who has made him whole.