Friday, May 14, 2010

What's Stopping You?

"While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." 3So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.” Acts 13:2-3

  • What if you shared God’s word with one person each day?
  • What if you showered others with God’s love?
  • What if you passed out Bible’s to the homeless?
  • What if you prayed for ten minutes every day for those who are lost?
  • What if you sent a letter to encourage missionaries all over the world?
  • What if you spent more time helping those in need instead of tending to yourself or watching T.V.?
  • What if you slowed down enough to listen to a friend in need?
  • What if you reached out to your enemy instead of turning away from them?

Instead of saying what if, what if we actually did it? How much more would God’s word spread? Paul and Barnabas were two men who lived out their what if’s and because they did we have had the opportunity to hear the Good News.

God wants to use every one of us to share the message of His love. He does not expect or even ask us to be anything other than ourselves. He can and will use us if we are willing, ready, and obedient.
  • How can you be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life?
  • How can you begin today sharing the message of God’s love?
  • What are some important tools to have as you go out share the word of God?
Take a few minutes and spend time in prayer asking the Lord to equip you and use for His service. Ask Him to set up meetings with other colleagues or even family members that might not know Him. Then ask Him to speak through you and directly into the heart of that person.

Are your Roots Showing?

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done.” Colossians 2:7

My husband and his dad have a very nurturing nature about them when it comes to their yards. They can make anything dead come alive and are so patient in the process. Everyday (well everyday they get a chance) they are outside trimming bushes, watering, picking the weeds, mowing, so on. It is a full time job with amazing results. But it only gets that way because of the time they have put into nurturing it. And it is what they are actually nurturing that is so amazing, the roots.

We often tend to just see what is above the surface and think that is what we are taking care of. Which it is but it is what is below the surface that is the most important. The roots, roots are the source of life and are to be firmly established in order to be fruitful. They do all the work but it is the flower that gets all the credit. You can also tell how much character a root has by what it produces.

It is the same with our spiritual walks. You can tell a lot about yourself by what roots you are watering because they show on the outside. Yard guys like Garrett and Jerry don’t set out to water and nurture the weeds, we should not set out to water and nurture the roots of our flesh, or pleasure, anger, greed, bitterness, jealousy, etc. We have to stop watering those roots and start watering the roots of Christ. Paul tells us in our passage that we must let the roots of Christ’s seed grow down deep into Him so we can draw up the nourishment of strength, faith, and truth.

In order to do that we must grab the word of God and let it water our roots just as Ephesians 3:17 says, “May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.” His love is Jesus Christ and His word! It is the only place your roots will ever find nourishment that will allow you to grow and become beautiful from the root up.

If you neglect to take care of your roots then they will begin to come up to find nourishment and they will start to show, and if neglected to long not only will your flower wither and die so will your roots.(Matthew 13:5-6)

What roots are you watering, the weeds (sin) or the roots of Christ’s seed? Don’t wait to begin nurturing the seed of Christ when trouble, sickness, or hurt comes, start nurturing it today so that when they do come those roots can grow deeper into Him for the nourishment of strength, hope, healing, and power.

Prayer: Lord help us to become more rooted in You everyday. Forgive us for when we neglect to nurture and tend to the most important seed within us. Thank You for giving us everlasting nourishment that is found in You and Your word. Amen