Thursday, October 13, 2011

On whose behalf?

People who wink at wrong cause trouble, but a bold reproof promotes peace.” Proverbs 10:10 

Have you ever been placed in a very uncomfortable situation? One, which puts your faith to the test? How did you react, what did you do, did you say anything or did you just stay quite?

 Just recently my faith was put to the test and it came at a time when I least expected it. Let’s just say I was caught completely off guard and placed in a situation extremely uncomfortable. So uncomfortable I felt as though I was placed right in the middle of Satan! And it felt like forever!

The bad part about the whole situation was I could not get out and felt trapped. So blind-sided by the whole thing I found myself quite, in awe, and extremely saddened. And instead of speaking up I sat and did not say a word, which was far worse and just as sinful.

Being a follower of Christ is more than just sitting, anyone can do that, and what I have learned and know is that Jesus expects and wants us who are called by His name to speak up, and not just sit! Satan loves that! He loves when we allow sin to continue! Do you notice that those when offended are quick to speak, quick to let you know their opinion, but what about when Jesus is offended? Who speaks up for Him?

Number 19 on our list of things to crave-Boldness

Boldness, boldness, boldness! Yes there is a time and place, there are the right words to be said, and all should be led by the power of the Holy Spirit! Being bold for the Lord is being self-assured that He is in control that He will speak on your behalf and regardless the outcome, He will take care of the situation.
Do you think being a light for the Lord is by just sitting still? “No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, it is put on a lampstand to give light to all who enter the room.” Luke 11:33

When I placed Jesus in my heart, He became a part of me. Because of that, He now goes everywhere I go and is a part of everything I do.  He is a part of all my conversations and actions.

In knowing all of that I choose and want to take Him places that bring glory to His name, that please Him, and make Him happy. So when placed in a situation of testing, knowing He is in me I should not be afraid to speak boldly for His names sake! It is our jobs and our amazing honor to get to speak on behalf of the Lord!

What if Jesus never spoke boldly for us, what if on judgment day He did not speak up for you, what if He just sat silent?

Prayer: Jesus thank you that You did speak boldly and on our behalf when You died on the cross, Forgive us for just sitting, may we sit no longer but rise to our feet and speak on Your behalf! Give us the strength and courage to stand boldly for You! In Jesus name, Amen