Sunday, April 17, 2011

Serving HIM by helping him

"She will not hinder him but help him all her life." Proverbs 31:12

The craziest thing entered my mind today. I decided to print off the list of questions I asked the ladies Friday and give to my husband.

I did it hoping to walk away with a better understanding of how he feels, thinks, and what he sees so I could know how to better meet his needs.

Here is the funny part...I am too scared to give it to him!

Why? Fear of facing the truth. Fear of coming up way short. Fear of failing. I even fear becoming defensive or needing to argue my point.


I want to know the truth, I want to know how I can become better, better for Jesus, better for him, and better for my boys. I don't want this to be a temporary goal of mine. I want it to be a life-long goal.

For me being a better helper is crucial. Everything I do is an example to my boys; how I treat Garrett, how I speak to Garrett, how I encourage Garrett, how I help Garrett, how I submit to Garrett, how I show respect to Garrett etc. They see, watch, and learn from my behavior. It even goes so far as to what they will desire in their future wives and marriage.

Being the helper God designed me to be begins with Garrett and extends to my boys. I have a huge role here, and it is to take care of what God has given me that is most important-my family. It is not about having my needs and desires met, it is about producing a love for Jesus in their individuals lives and in the home by what? By my actions, my speech, and by being the helper God has called me to be. That is my purpose.

So it is time to move past the fear and become a better helper. Let the answers be revealed.

I am looking and praying for a group of women who would be interested in praying for one another and encouraging one another each week as we strive to fulfill Proverbs 31:12.

Jesus would You minister to the heart of every woman today. Help us become the helper You designed us to be for our husbands and children. Bring together a group of us women who will encourage, pray, and support one another as we strive to fulfill Proverbs 31:12. Jesus we desire to be helpers not hinderer's. Amen