Saturday, April 30, 2011

He is with us even in the valleys.

Today I am excited to introduce you to a featured writer for Godly Gossip. Ms. Ashleigh Duncan. She is a precious college student whom I absolutely love and adore. I know you will be as blessed by the words the Lord speaks through her as I have been.

Psalm 22-Please take a moment to read.

Oh, does this psalm ever describe me this week!! I'm having so many troubles with school and trying to find a job for at least the summer and all at the same time, working to study for and do well on my finals...overall, I know this isn't that big of a deal in most people's eyes but for me, I'm super stressed and wanting everything to fall into place now so that I can rest easy. I'm working to focus on the positive and keeping in mind that God is on my side so no one can win over me but it's something I'm struggling with about every few minutes. It seems we all do this from time to time. Things get tough, we hit those valleys and we think the shadows of the mountains hide us from view of God but this isn't true at all!! He has a reason for the valleys and He always uses them for good and as long as we lean on Him, we come out stronger and more in the shape of Christ than we were before. Looking back on our troubles, we see that maybe they weren't so bad after all, we understand why God put them in our paths. So, maybe you (and I) can't see why we're here now, but God will make it clear to us in His time. Lean on Him, let Him carry you, and the end will be here soon. I hope you all have a blessed day! Love you!!

In Christ,
Bridget Ashleigh

Today I am thankful for the support of my family and friends when I get into problematic issues, it's really nice to have people to hug me and then push me to make it through and to remind me that God is ever-present and has a plan.